F..Pit Bulls and their owners


aka Mrs. Giant
Sorry about Bruno. Hope all is well.

Do you think these are the pit bulls that have been running loose and killing pets over in St Inigoes? I know Buzzy's is down the way a bit, but they could be roaming.


Amount of F##Ks given, 0
Sorry about Bruno. Hope all is well.

Do you think these are the pit bulls that have been running loose and killing pets over in St Inigoes? I know Buzzy's is down the way a bit, but they could be roaming.

I hope they are caught.


Soul Probe
Unfortunately these dogs in question should be put down humanely because they don't seem to be able to be rehabilitated.

Personally, I think a quick bullet to the head is more humane than stressing them out by taking them to a vet to get gassed.


animal luvr
Personally, I think a quick bullet to the head is more humane than stressing them out by taking them to a vet to get gassed.

the animal warden is coming out today at some point and i think bruno will be going to the vet....shes limping and crying from what happened to her yesterday...Sleep is over rated i only got 2hrs lastnight as when she was cryign i tried to comfort her with love and affection even though it helped calm her down the second i stopped or got up or any of that she got upset and cried more.


aka Mrs. Giant
I hope they are caught.

Me too.

I think G1G4 posted that the previous owner was on Greyson Road, but hadn't been taking care of them and the dogs started running wild. Then they started killing pets in the St Inigoes area and acting aggressive towards home owners that saw the animals.

Animal Control has supposedly been looking for these dogs for quite a while and haven't caught them yet.

If they've moved down the road towards Buzzy's area, then hopefully somebody will shoot them. Again, I say this because these dogs are serious danger and a menace and because AC hasn't done a darn thing.

When Bruno's at the vet, make sure he's up to date on his shots, because if it's the same dogs, I doubt they've been vetted in a long time.


Jam out with ur clam out
the animal warden is coming out today at some point and i think bruno will be going to the vet....shes limping and crying from what happened to her yesterday...Sleep is over rated i only got 2hrs lastnight as when she was cryign i tried to comfort her with love and affection even though it helped calm her down the second i stopped or got up or any of that she got upset and cried more.

keep her calm... and dont give her any aspirin just due to the fact the vet will give her some NSAID's for pain and inflammation.

keep me posted .. .and worst case ..if your mom cant help... i will come down and pick you and her up and take you to the vet when i get off. (wish i could do it sooner)


animal luvr
Me too.

I think G1G4 posted that the previous owner was on Greyson Road, but hadn't been taking care of them and the dogs started running wild. Then they started killing pets in the St Inigoes area and acting aggressive towards home owners that saw the animals.

Animal Control has supposedly been looking for these dogs for quite a while and haven't caught them yet.

If they've moved down the road towards Buzzy's area, then hopefully somebody will shoot them. Again, I say this because these dogs are serious danger and a menace and because AC hasn't done a darn thing.

When Bruno's at the vet, make sure he's up to date on his shots, because if it's the same dogs, I doubt they've been vetted in a long time.

according to two of the locals the dogs live right near the store. ummm makes me nervous about takign bruno out...this is the first time i ever seen these 2 pits. the owner came and got them yesterday and one of the locals told her that if they are lose again they will be shot after that they did to bruno. they were both mean. i wish the owner talked to me cause i was going to tell her the dog is going to the vet in the am and i would love for you to come and pay her what i bet is over 500.00 vet bill especially if they have to put her to sleep to clean the wounds and fix her left leg.


aka Mrs. Giant

according to two of the locals the dogs live right near the store. ummm makes me nervous about takign bruno out...this is the first time i ever seen these 2 pits. the owner came and got them yesterday and one of the locals told her that if they are lose again they will be shot after that they did to bruno. they were both mean. i wish the owner talked to me cause i was going to tell her the dog is going to the vet in the am and i would love for you to come and pay her what i bet is over 500.00 vet bill especially if they have to put her to sleep to clean the wounds and fix her left leg.

You won't get any money out of them, so don't expect it.


Jam out with ur clam out

according to two of the locals the dogs live right near the store. ummm makes me nervous about takign bruno out...this is the first time i ever seen these 2 pits. the owner came and got them yesterday and one of the locals told her that if they are lose again they will be shot after that they did to bruno. they were both mean. i wish the owner talked to me cause i was going to tell her the dog is going to the vet in the am and i would love for you to come and pay her what i bet is over 500.00 vet bill especially if they have to put her to sleep to clean the wounds and fix her left leg.

sedate..... not put to sleep :jerry: and im sure they will have to sedate her.

and let AC know the OWNER came to pick them up.... and you CAN TAKE her to small claims court over the vet bills!!!

and make sure with AC they follow thru with a file .. not sure how many bites a dog gets before it is deamed dangerous and they have to keep it behind two locked gates/doors.


animal luvr
sedate..... not put to sleep :jerry: and im sure they will have to sedate her.

and let AC know the OWNER came to pick them up.... and you CAN TAKE her to small claims court over the vet bills!!!

and make sure with AC they follow thru with a file .. not sure how many bites a dog gets before it is deamed dangerous and they have to keep it behind two locked gates/doors.

if this is where i think the dogs live there is no fenced in yard they are tied up to doghouses and on chains.

oh i will make sure all that needs to be done about this case is done i will fight for my doggy as i love her


Soul Probe
the animal warden is coming out today at some point and i think bruno will be going to the vet....shes limping and crying from what happened to her yesterday...Sleep is over rated i only got 2hrs lastnight as when she was cryign i tried to comfort her with love and affection even though it helped calm her down the second i stopped or got up or any of that she got upset and cried more.

I was referring to the pits, not Bruno. I hope she's ok! :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I'd like to share an experience I had a few years ago.

I was coming out of a store in Prince Frederick near the Petco. Somehow or another I start to hear screaming. I look over and a Jack Russell had another small dog by the mouth. They were latched on to each other. The owner was frantically trying to pry them apart, only making it worse. He picked up the leash of the other dog and lifted them both up. Blood was flying everywhere. The Jack never let go. This went on for about a minute until someone came out with a bottle of water to pour in the Jack's mouth.

My point is, it happens everywhere, no matter the breed.

With all that being said, pitbulls get the worst rap. How often do you see a news story about them? Often, right? In reality, the news catsers don't know sh!t about dogs, and use the term pitbull as a wowo factor because people like you eat it up. I urge you not to let a bad experience from a bad owner make your mind up on pitbulls.

As a pitbull owner, it's my job to make sure my dog doesn't fit the typical mold the majority of the public want to believe. Do some thugs think the dogs are cool to have? Yes. But those are the same dogs that get tied to a tree in the back yard. What most people don't see is what happens after the dog is rescued. I find it amazing that for a majority of a dog's life it was tied to a tree, abused, and neglected by humans, but when it gets rescued, they act like nothing happened. They really are wonderul dogs with a huge drive to please. Please don't take everything you see on the news as gospel. I could sit here and give you facts until I'm blue in the face, but it seems you (and others) have their minds made up.
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