What if she was joking and playing a fool like she was Kanye West ? :shrug:
Was George wearin bi-focals?? Say it isn't so!PrchJrkr said:George Strait sounded old
huntr1 said:I had the same reaction Faith did. I think it should have gone to Faith or Martina.
cattitude said:Why?
Nanny Pam said:That is an excellent shot of her. After she said, "what" did she say, "no-way!"
johnjrval424 said:What do you think?
Personally, I think she was absolutely serious. I think she was in the unfortunate position to be on camera.
If she wasn't serious, then she should be slapped right across the face for pulling such a stupid stunt and stealing the attention away from Carrie Underwood. Winning Female Vocalist of the Year is a big deal, at least to country music artists and fans, and Faith should be ashamed of herself for acting like such an idiot.
Just my .02.