False Christian


Not dead yet.
I think that it shows 2A's Christianity that he's taking the time to explain the situation patiently and calmly to two juveniles such as Spoiled and UP. Thanks for staying cool and doing what's right.

Spoiled, UP, you'll eventually learn that life is not black/white us/them all the time and that college professors are not normally part of regular society. Until then, good luck and may your brains grow. :howdy:


Football season!
2ndAmendment said:
Christians believe homosexual behavior is sin, nothing more and nothing less. If you call yourself a Christian and don't believe in the Bible and what it teaches, you are in for a big disappointment when you pass from this world I would think.
If we made an amendment to the constitution concerning every "sin" in the bible, we will be here for awhile. Heck, why not just throw out the constitution and just use the bible for everything?


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
Gay and lesbian studies is a course? You are kidding right?
Unfortunately, no. I think there are even people who major in it. It's probably part of the forced "diveristy" classes. One of the classes I took was "German women in literature and society". No :bs: Such a useful class. Made me a much better person...NOT!


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
No wonder the students of today aren't worth a crap. Gay and lesbian studies is a course? You are kidding right? If not, it is no wonder you are so screwed up. Gay and lesbian studies was taught in abnormal psychology and still should be if it isn't.

obviously just listening to the person talk i learned something you thought was false, so it is not a waste... no one is forced to study in it...

and i dont think things are black and white, after all i have never said "you are either with or against us"


Dancing Up A Storm
SmallTown said:
If we made an amendment to the constitution concerning every "sin" in the bible, we will be here for awhile. Heck, why not just throw out the constitution and just use the bible for everything?
I'm not sure I buy that one. Do you know of any other sins out there on the horizon that are being considered for a constitutional amendment, in order to ban them, or keep them at bay?

If you do, please list them for me. :razz:


Active Member
Penn said:
I'm not sure I buy that one. Do you know of any other sins out there on the horizon that are being considered for a constitutional amendment, in order to ban them, or keep them at bay?

If you do, please list them for me. :razz:
In the old testament only you could come up with 613 ‘laws’ or commandments.


Football season!
Penn said:
I'm not sure I buy that one. Do you know of any other sins out there on the horizon that are being considered for a constitutional amendment, in order to ban them, or keep them at bay?

If you do, please list them for me. :razz:
Just like the gay marriage ban proposal, it all depends on which topic is either being hilighted or is the focus of certain individuals or groups. Which is EXACTLY why there is no way this country should have such an amendment.


Dancing Up A Storm
Spoiled said:
In the old testament only you could come up with 613 ‘laws’ or commandments.
Now that's cute and very informative on your part. However, that is not what I asked, is it?


Dancing Up A Storm
From interviews I've seen the president give, snippets of speeches he's made over the last 3 years, I get the impression that GW Bush is a very spiritual man, who prays to the Lord constantly for guidance and wisdom, and that is what "real" Christians do everyday: They pray to their Lord.

Does he let his religion or beliefs cloud his judgement, or thinking, to the point where religion is the sole focus that guides/shapes his thought processes?

Has he ever let on that "Jesus Christ came to him in a vision, and told him which was best for us"? If so, I want to know about that one.

No, I do not think so. He may be praying for the ability to think clearly through the problems that face this country, our nation, how best to see the road ahead, where and which direction we should be proceeding on, but I just do not detect any overzealousness with regard to religious beliefs driving him. JMHO.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
If we made an amendment to the constitution concerning every "sin" in the bible, we will be here for awhile. Heck, why not just throw out the constitution and just use the bible for everything?
Sometimes you seem lucid. This time you seem like a dodo.

I am a Christian. I pray often and about much. I make no secret of it and it does have a great, I hope the greatest, influence on my life.

I, like the founders, do not believe there should be an official religion. That is all the First Amendment really says about religion although lawyers, politicians, and judges that only read the Cliffs Notes where it says separation of church and state as a memory jogger think that it means there is an absolute separation of anything of God and not only the federal government but all government. This is not the true meaning of the First Amendment. Reading Cliffs Notes is not a substitute for really reading the document or the text book. You know that, right?
Amendment I (1791)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
See. It only limits Congress from making any law regarding those things; nothing more and nothing less.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
In the old testament only you could come up with 613 ‘laws’ or commandments.
If we only had 613 laws we would be far better off. Have you seen the number of law books in a library? Anybody ever seen this quote besides me?
"It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made
by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they
cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood;
if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or
undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the
law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow." --Alexander
Hamilton or James Madison, Federalist No. 62
If we only had 613 laws to know and understand we might be able to get through a day without violating many of them. I bet that no one including me goes through the day without violating some law they have no knowledge of. Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse.


Football season!
2ndAmendment said:
Sometimes you seem lucid. This time you seem like a dodo.

I am a Christian. I pray often and about much. I make no secret of it and it does have a great, I hope the greatest, influence on my life.

I, like the founders, do not believe there should be an official religion. That is all the First Amendment really says about religion although lawyers, politicians, and judges that only read the Cliffs Notes where it says separation of church and state as a memory jogger think that it means there is an absolute separation of anything of God and not only the federal government but all government. This is not the true meaning of the First Amendment. Reading Cliffs Notes is not a substitute for really reading the document or the text book. You know that, right?

See. It only limits Congress from making any law regarding those things; nothing more and nothing less.
I don't disagree with a word of that, as well as I don't understand how that is supposed to pertain to what we are discussing here.

Regardless of my thoughts concerning gay marriage, I think it would set a VERY bad precedent if an amendment were added to the constitution to ban gay marriage. I know this country does not want to open up that pandora's box. And this IS something based on religous belief, but it just happens to be a faith that is widely supported in this country. I'm sure many would be crying foul if a president with some sort of islamic background talked about proposing an amendment that has it's basis in the islamic faith.

Just because someone has a "right" to do something doesn't make it the correct thing to do.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Just like the gay marriage ban proposal, it all depends on which topic is either being hilighted or is the focus of certain individuals or groups. Which is EXACTLY why there is no way this country should have such an amendment.
Actually we agree here. I don't think that we should need an amendment. It is a states rights issue. But activist judges miss interpret the Amendment 14 section 1 of the Constitution to imply that the laws of one state should apply equally in every state. Again, this is a Cliff Notes interpretation from a memory jogger phrase. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment only says that state laws cannot override the U.S. Constitution or federal law and that laws in a state must be equally applied to all people in that state. The amendment is seen as a way to curb this abuse by judges and it was so stated.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
If we only had 613 laws we would be far better off. Have you seen the number of law books in a library? Anybody ever seen this quote besides me?

If we only had 613 laws to know and understand we might be able to get through a day without violating many of them. I bet that no one including me goes through the day without violating some law they have no knowledge of. Remember ignorance of the law is no excuse.
If we followed those 613 laws we would all be Jewish. We would stone any woman that was not a virgin when she became married, and would not be allowed to eat pork.


Yeah, but Tom Harkin now says that God wants Kerry to win. I think that's like saying Bin Ladin wants Bush to win.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
If we followed those 613 laws we would all be Jewish. We would stone any woman that was not a virgin when she became married, and would not be allowed to eat pork.
There you go jumping to erroneous conclusions again. I did not say we needed the laws of the Bible. I said:
2ndAmendment said:
If we only had 613 laws we would be far better off.
You really need to think before you react. Try to think with the logical side of your brain instead of the emotional side. Emotions cloud the mind and are difficult to express and often lead to heighten tensions. Relax a bit. Try to think clearly and logically. It may be difficult for you, but if you concentrate you may be able to get there.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
There you go jumping to erroneous conclusions again. I did not say we needed the laws of the Bible. I said:

You really need to think before you react. Try to think with the logical side of your brain instead of the emotional side. Emotions cloud the mind and are difficult to express and often lead to heighten tensions. Relax a bit. Try to think clearly and logically. It may be difficult for you, but if you concentrate you may be able to get there.
There you go jumping to erroneous conclusions again. I did not say you wanted to follow the 613 laws of the old testiment. I was stating that if we were to follow those 613 laws we would be Jewish, nothing more, nothing less.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
There you go jumping to erroneous conclusions again. I did not say you wanted to follow the 613 laws of the old testiment. I was stating that if we were to follow those 613 laws we would be Jewish, nothing more, nothing less.
Then why did you quote me in your post? I was not the one talking of the laws in the Bible. I remind you that you were the one that brought them up. You should have quoted yourself and then argued with yourself.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
Then why did you quote me in your post? I was not the one talking of the laws in the Bible.
You quoted me, when i was talking about the Bible. Then you continued to speak about 613 laws being good, never mentioning me or the Bible. I quoted you and did the same, except you said I was assuming, which I was not.

2ndAmendment said:
I remind you that you were the one that brought them up. You should have quoted yourself and then argued with yourself.
Another mistake, SmallTown brought up the Bible, I did not. :lol: :lmao: :killingme