nitwhit3286 said:
I don't spank my child, so neither does my husband. I believe you should talk to your children.
Instead of spanking, I simply explain to my three year old that his behavior is unacceptable, and throwing tantrums will not only hinder, rather than propagate, communication between all parties involved, but will only result in more anger, and theforefore even further breaking down any desirable results for anyone.
This usually works for me because whenever I explain this to my children in a calm voice, they stop screaming and get a very pensive look on their face, and I can tell by this look that they're really considering what I've told them logically and rationally.
And if that doesn't work, I tell them that they're being a big hairy doo-doo face and they need to stop it.
To answer the initial question, I've spanked both my sons, but I don't think I've ever spanked my dauther. This is because my sons pummel the bejezus out of each other and slam into trees and shoot balls at each other and roll around and wreck their bikes, and they jump on and off of dad like he was a moving jungle-gym... so they can handle physical discipline without any lingering effects. But I think my little sweetie would break like a porceline doll if I even swung my hand in her direction.