Thank you. Back in the day we did not need them, we just held our babies.....
You're still holding your baby - it's just a small pillow that supports them a bit so your arm doesn't fall off.
Thank you. Back in the day we did not need them, we just held our babies.....
12. Travel Stroller System that included the carseat carrier with base to put in the vehicle.
I say skip the huge stroller and get a small nice reclining umbrella stroller. We had the big system for DS and it was ok but took up soo much space. We got DD when she was 6 months old so I can't attest to how this works with a iddy-biddy newborn but we love our Chicco Ct6
And I agree with the bouncy seat - DS had reflux so he used to have to sleep in his since it was a reclined position. We also have a table top high chair that worked well for DD. And I'd research the table top models for swings and such - takes up a lot less room.
Nah, Wii is better!![]()
You have evidently never plays COD4 and snuck up on a sniper who had shot you 3 times and burried a 9 inch combat knife in his back.![]()
Nope, but I've watched someone played it. It didn't interested me at all.
I like playing games where I can be physical active instead of sitting on my bum and exercising the thumbs.![]()
It is so realistic. Just last night someone threw a grenade close to me and I lost situational awareness and dove behind the coffee table.
The umbrella strollers aren't that good for the really little babies because they slouch too much and the seat doesn't recline enough for them. But a cheaper, less bulky alternative is a "car seat frame" stroller, like this: Graco SnugRider Infant Carseat Frame - Graco - Babies "R" UsI say skip the huge stroller and get a small nice reclining umbrella stroller. We had the big system for DS and it was ok but took up soo much space. We got DD when she was 6 months old so I can't attest to how this works with a iddy-biddy newborn but we love our Chicco Ct6
And I agree with the bouncy seat - DS had reflux so he used to have to sleep in his since it was a reclined position. We also have a table top high chair that worked well for DD. And I'd research the table top models for swings and such - takes up a lot less room.
I had two winter babies and never used one of those. Someone gave me one recently and I imagine I'll use it for quick trips and such.My favorite thing was the swing. We had the Aquariam one by Fisher Price and it took up so much room but I got tons of use out it. He had reflux so he slept in it and he slept in it when he had a cold too. It was great.
I also loved, because my baby was a winter baby, was the Bundle Me. I got the matching hat too.
Didn't have to worry about blankets falling down or the baby being cold at all. It was great.
I just registered this past weekend and I think I have everything you all mentioned on there!! Haha
Oh Good Luck!
I did the registering for baby shower as well, and I didn't get anything off the list I registered for. I only got "clothes" and that was it. No big stuff I needed for the baby.
Keep that in the mind, and save some $$$ aside for just in case you didn't get anything you registered for. I really hope you do get everything you registered for!![]()
I know the in laws are getting her furntiure, so that is nice. I know we are going to get alot of clothes!! My mom already has given me a bag full and then so did a friend. That's one thing we didn't really register was clothes cause we knew people would be getting us that anyways.
We are in the middle of thinking of a theme for the nursery, I REALLY want to do Tinkerbell but I can't find it any where!!!
I just registered this past weekend and I think I have everything you all mentioned on there!! Haha
My daughter's room is Tinkerbell, but I'm soon going to do even more. She has Tinkerbell bedding and curtains which I think was bought at Target. It's regular bedding though, not crib size. Lowes has lots of Tinkerbell wall decor. I bought the border, a wall mural and decals there. Also bought light purple and lime green paint. I think I'm going to do paint two opposite walls purple and the other 2 opposite walls green. She already has a tinkerbell ceiling fan, bedding and tons of tinkerbell items on her shelves. We even got her a Tinkerbell dressed build-a-bear.
where are you registered.
Maybe some forumites might like to send a little gift for the mom to be