Favorite book when you were 12?


Well-Known Member
I had forgotten the Musketeers. :yay:
I liked Alexander Dumas for espionage type intrigue & E.A. Poe for the Macabre scary stories...
I was fascinated that, the story lines haven't really changed in 200 or 300 years...Just the Authors.

I grew up in a Catholic home and attended St. Michael's in Ridge for a brief stint...so I studied the Bible extensively...but it wasn't until I heard that The Bible is filled with stories of Murder, rape, backstabbing...that I decided to actually READ the Bible.

Read it and come away with a LITERAL interpretation of the book, and it really is quite smutty...STUDY the context of the Bible, The Word & Torah of God, and the TEACHINGS of CHRIST... and the overall meaning & impact of the Book changes


Well-Known Member
I liked Alexander Dumas for espionage type intrigue & E.A. Poe for the Macabre scary stories...
I was fascinated that, the story lines haven't really changed in 200 or 300 years...Just the Authors.

I grew up in a Catholic home and attended St. Michael's in Ridge for a brief stint...so I studied the Bible extensively...but it wasn't until I heard that The Bible is filled with stories of Murder, rape, backstabbing...that I decided to actually READ the Bible.

Read it and come away with a LITERAL interpretation of the book, and it really is quite smutty...STUDY the context of the Bible, The Word & Torah of God, and the TEACHINGS of CHRIST... and the overall meaning & impact of the Book changes
Well, that does explain your fanatical rantings! Thanks for clearing that up.


Well-Known Member
Well, that does explain your fanatical rantings! Thanks for clearing that up.
Nothing explains your defense of criminals though...except possibly your own criminal element

Nice to see I'm living rent free in your head these days though. Kinda creepy, actually...


PREMO Member
I grew up in a Catholic home and attended St. Michael's in Ridge for a brief stint...so I studied the Bible extensively...but it wasn't until I heard that The Bible is filled with stories of Murder, rape, backstabbing...that I decided to actually READ the Bible.

Read it and come away with a LITERAL interpretation of the book, and it really is quite smutty...STUDY the context of the Bible, The Word & Torah of God, and the TEACHINGS of CHRIST... and the overall meaning & impact of the Book changes

Brady: The Bible satisfies me. It is enough.

Drummond: It frightens me to think of the state of learning in the world if everybody had your driving curiosity. Now, this book goes into a lot of "begats": "And Arphax'ad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat Eber" and so on and so on and so on. Now, are these pretty important people?

Brady: They are the generations of the holy men and women of the Bible.

Drummond: How'd they go about all this begattin'?

Brady: What do you mean?

Drummond: Well, I mean, did they begat in much the same way as folks get themselves begat today?


Well-Known Member
Nothing explains your defense of criminals though...except possibly your own criminal element

Nice to see I'm living rent free in your head these days though. Kinda creepy, actually...
Yeah hypocrite, go read your Bible again and try to pay attention this time


Power with Control
Hmmmm, 12, eh? 6th grade...... For fantasy, I was wrapping Lord of the Rings, might have taken my first crack at the Silmarillion. Science fiction was still Asimovs Robots and Foundation, Nivens Ringworld, Heinleins earlier stuff, with a little Harry Harrison Deathworld tossed in. My brother at 10 years older than kept pitching Bradbury and "artistic" sorts at me, but I did and still do prefer an optimistic slant to my reading. I like my science fiction hard.

I remember attending Boskone in 1978 thanks to that same brother. Blew me away......