I understand LR shooting quite well Sir, I have been actively shooting it for well over 40 years now.
I'm still, at 58, a youngster, so I can't lay claim to your level of snide yet.
Working on it.
I understand LR shooting quite well Sir, I have been actively shooting it for well over 40 years now.
I'm 58 myself.. and I don't believe it's being " snide " if it's a topic that a person knows inside and out and have been doing it for decades and not just talking about it.
54R ain't the Shizzle...
To think that you can shoot Long Range without reloading and be competitive is laughable. Never once have I seen anyone win any long range match with over the counter center fire ammunition.
Like I said earlier Sir, get that Grendel some worthy optics or sights and get out and shoot some matches.. and there's plenty around in Md, Va, De, Penn and WV..
Otherwise it's just blowing smoke..
I would also suggest that you go and shoot a Appleseed first at Sanners one weekend, and see how well you do at 33' with a rimfire, a GI sling and open sights. Go with a open mind, it will quickly be a humbling experience and you will gain vast knowledge in shooting a rifle Sir.
Your snide is all based on your wildly inaccurate assumption of what my shooting background actually is. Why people do that is beyond me. Carry on..we're done here.
clueless you are...and clueless you will remain.You have posted your minimal LR shooting experience here more than once Sir.
I'll keep my eye open on the line for you..You will be easy to spot.
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Thank-you Kyle. Blessed are the peacemakers:
One rifle that is still on my "will buy someday" list is a sharpshooting rifle (1800s replica, also popularly known as a "Quigley") in .45-90.
One of the problems with 7.65 X 54R is no one but Sierra makes high quality bullets that are readily available in the States ...
Yepp..a very nice revolver indeed.
ok so what is the issue with Sierra bullets :shrug:
7.62 x 54r is why I got into reloading .... @ $ 22 / 23 a box for Norma in the 80s I learned to reload for Cheap