Favre v. Rodgers...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Comment heard today in the aftermath of the Bretts win over the Pack.

"Well, if you swap quarterbacks, you get the same result, Vikes win, because of all the talent they have."

Then, what caught my attention: "No. If you switch qb's the Pack lose even worse."


Har dee har har.

Brett Favre made some GREAT throws last night. We assume Rodgers makes them? I don't think so, scooter.

Would Favre have been pounded to a pulp behind the Pack line with that Vike rush? We would have to further assume that Brett is, all of a sudden, not a gunslinger who gets rid of the ball and, yes, makes some ill advised throws but, also some spectacular ones?

Brett Favre just had his 21st 4 td passing game, tying the NFL record. We gonna just go ahead and give that to Rodgers, too?

Good lord. Are the Favre haters simply not football fans at heart?


New Member
Comment heard today in the aftermath of the Bretts win over the Pack.

"Well, if you swap quarterbacks, you get the same result, Vikes win, because of all the talent they have."

Then, what caught my attention: "No. If you switch qb's the Pack lose even worse."


Har dee har har.

Brett Favre made some GREAT throws last night. We assume Rodgers makes them? I don't think so, scooter.

Would Favre have been pounded to a pulp behind the Pack line with that Vike rush? We would have to further assume that Brett is, all of a sudden, not a gunslinger who gets rid of the ball and, yes, makes some ill advised throws but, also some spectacular ones?

Brett Favre just had his 21st 4 td passing game, tying the NFL record. We gonna just go ahead and give that to Rodgers, too?

Good lord. Are the Favre haters simply not football fans at heart?

And the fans booing him, how ridiculous!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And the fans booing him, how ridiculous!!

Football fans are morons. I was at Dion Sanders first game as a Skin and he, late of the Cowboys and 49'ers, got a thundering ovation.

We'd applaud Satan if our team got him if he was a good player and we'd all boo Jesus if he left us.



Football fans are morons. I was at Dion Sanders first game as a Skin and he, late of the Cowboys and 49'ers, got a thundering ovation.

We'd applaud Satan if our team got him if he was a good player and we'd all boo Jesus if he left us.


Separation of church and football. Isn't that in the constitution somewhere?


New Member
And the fans booing him, how ridiculous!!

What's so ridiculous about booing him??? I still like Favre but when he play's GB I hate him.

I'm so tired of hearing people say it's GB fault, It's NOT GB fault, the old man said he was done and the Packers moved on.


Nothing to see here
What's so ridiculous about booing him??? I still like Favre but when he play's GB I hate him.

I'm so tired of hearing people say it's GB fault, It's NOT GB fault, the old man said he was done and the Packers moved on.

You do realize that larry called us morons...not to worry, i reported him.


New Member
Comment heard today in the aftermath of the Bretts win over the Pack.

"Well, if you swap quarterbacks, you get the same result, Vikes win, because of all the talent they have."

Then, what caught my attention: "No. If you switch qb's the Pack lose even worse."


Har dee har har.

Brett Favre made some GREAT throws last night. We assume Rodgers makes them? I don't think so, scooter.

Would Favre have been pounded to a pulp behind the Pack line with that Vike rush? We would have to further assume that Brett is, all of a sudden, not a gunslinger who gets rid of the ball and, yes, makes some ill advised throws but, also some spectacular ones?

Brett Favre just had his 21st 4 td passing game, tying the NFL record. We gonna just go ahead and give that to Rodgers, too?

Good lord. Are the Favre haters simply not football fans at heart?

I believe Favre would have been pounded behide that GB line. Yeah he would have thrown some wild passes that would have been caught and then some that would have been INTs. Rogers is able to move around in the pocket better then Favre, even though it did not show it to much yesterday. Rogers is one of the best QB's in the league, just look at the stats!
NFL - Statistics by Position - Yahoo! Sports

I know stats don't equal wins but you also have to think that Rogers is only a 2nd year stater and has proved to be one of the best QB's in the league. GB is one of the youngest teams in the league and with some O line help and a better running games they will be one of the best teams in the league in a few years.


They're out to get us
And the fans booing him, how ridiculous!!
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. Favre maliciously targetted Green Bay, refusing to play for anyone besides the ultra-hated Vikings. He stabbed the entire fan base in the back because he was mad at the front office. He showed the fans, who loved him for 15+ years, absolutely no loyalty. Why should they show him any now that he has went out of his way to screw them over and badmouthed all of his past Packer teams? F him.

What's so ridiculous about booing him??? I still like Favre but when he play's GB I hate him.

I'm so tired of hearing people say it's GB fault, It's NOT GB fault, the old man said he was done and the Packers moved on.

He said he was done, they drafted a QB in the 1st round with his blessing, he kept holding on and they basically would have wasted their 1st round pick on Rodgers AND not had a QB of the future when Favre finally decided he was done. GB did what they had to do. If you're not sure whether you want to come back multiple years running then your heart and/or body isn't in the game and it's time to go. GB made a smart move.


New Member
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. Favre maliciously targetted Green Bay, refusing to play for anyone besides the ultra-hated Vikings. He stabbed the entire fan base in the back because he was mad at the front office. He showed the fans, who loved him for 15+ years, absolutely no loyalty. Why should they show him any now that he has went out of his way to screw them over and badmouthed all of his past Packer teams? F him.

He said he was done, they drafted a QB in the 1st round with his blessing, he kept holding on and they basically would have wasted their 1st round pick on Rodgers AND not had a QB of the future when Favre finally decided he was done. GB did what they had to do. If you're not sure whether you want to come back multiple years running then your heart and/or body isn't in the game and it's time to go. GB made a smart move.

Amen :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. Favre maliciously targetted Green Bay, refusing to play for anyone besides the ultra-hated Vikings. He stabbed the entire fan base in the back because he was mad at the front office. He showed the fans, who loved him for 15+ years, absolutely no loyalty. Why should they show him any now that he has went out of his way to screw them over and badmouthed all of his past Packer teams? F him.

Look. Brett is an icon. Imagine had Sonny had a few good years left in him and wasn't quite sure and kinda jerked management around some. Had they forced the issue and run him off, DC woulda been burned to the ground.

I said some time back that Green Bay simply had to say the obvious; Brett Favre has a locker here FOREVER.

That puts the ball entirely in his hands. Along with all the pressure. He comes back, he's not motivated, looks bad, he decides. Good lord, they were in the NFC championship game his last year in GB.

The league devours players. Burns 'em up. Destroys them. Nature of the beast. What's wrong with a player having the upper hand once in awhile? Good lord. Look at him. His durability, his play, his record.


New Member
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. Favre maliciously targetted Green Bay, refusing to play for anyone besides the ultra-hated Vikings. He stabbed the entire fan base in the back because he was mad at the front office. He showed the fans, who loved him for 15+ years, absolutely no loyalty. Why should they show him any now that he has went out of his way to screw them over and badmouthed all of his past Packer teams? F him.

He said he was done, they drafted a QB in the 1st round with his blessing, he kept holding on and they basically would have wasted their 1st round pick on Rodgers AND not had a QB of the future when Favre finally decided he was done. GB did what they had to do. If you're not sure whether you want to come back multiple years running then your heart and/or body isn't in the game and it's time to go. GB made a smart move.

I don't know what I am talking about??? I have a right to MY opinion, as do you. I just think it was childish that's all.


Well-Known Member
Look. Brett is an icon. Imagine had Sonny had a few good years left in him and wasn't quite sure and kinda jerked management around some. Had they forced the issue and run him off, DC woulda been burned to the ground.

I said some time back that Green Bay simply had to say the obvious; Brett Favre has a locker here FOREVER.

That puts the ball entirely in his hands. Along with all the pressure. He comes back, he's not motivated, looks bad, he decides. Good lord, they were in the NFC championship game his last year in GB.

The league devours players. Burns 'em up. Destroys them. Nature of the beast. What's wrong with a player having the upper hand once in awhile? Good lord. Look at him. His durability, his play, his record.

Only one fly that I see in that ointment. They etch his name in stone on the locker, and he calls their (semi)bluff and stays. Who starts? If it's Favre they are not giving themselves the best chance to win. And unless they franchise him Rodgers is gone ASAP. You start Rodgers and you've got a 6' tall cancerous tumor in your locker room

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Only one fly that I see in that ointment. They etch his name in stone on the locker, and he calls their (semi)bluff and stays. Who starts? If it's Favre they are not giving themselves the best chance to win. And unless they franchise him Rodgers is gone ASAP. You start Rodgers and you've got a 6' tall cancerous tumor in your locker room

I understand that argument. I really do. They did the practical thing; move on. So, how critical is practicality in the alternate universe of pro football?

Again, I ONLY come at this from the standpoint of just how much fun it is to watch Brett Favre play football. The Green Bay Packers survived some of the deepest depths of pro sport failure imaginable, for ages, after Lombardi. So, things are a mess for a few years. :shrug: In exchange for that, a legend plays for them another year or two or even three? I call that good.

With the absolutely tragic way so many franchises are operated, not naming any names, what the hell is the loss of a few years?
