Favre v. Rodgers...


Football addict
It will come to him, He had a real good run towards the end of the game, If he would of done that in the first half he could have avoided some of those sacks.

I'm not a big fan of Ted Tompson but Rogers in the QB of the future and he needed to prove what he could do and I think he has done that so far. He will learn more and more as he plays. GB has some tough games the rest of the way, minus TB, at least I hope!
Shoot, I'll trade ya' Teddy for Vinny.:lmao:


New Member
Shoot, I'll trade ya' Teddy for Vinny.:lmao:

Don't think So!!! I just don't like how he does not like the free agent market, but then again sometime building from the draft works.

I think its funny yesterday how Favre was chatting with all his old GB buddies. When Jennings got hurt Favre was down there to make sure he was ok and joking with him. He's seem like a good, funny guy. Thats one of the things I miss about him not being in GB. I just hate seeing him in that purple jersey!