BTW, you know you can send a single e-mail to several people, yes?
Dude, how old are you? My friends and family members under the age of 50 don't even have an email address - they either text or check into FB. I'm the only weirdo that checks email several times a day because of work. My cousin posts pics of his new baby on FB, so that's where I am.
It's just that I'm not willing to give up my privacy to get it.
The only thing that FB knows that the rest of the internet doesn't is what my pond looks like at sunset and what I made for dinner. You don't have to put your whole life on FB, and you certainly don't have to reply to randos who bet you don't remember who your favorite teacher was or what street you grew up on.
It's free to use, which means you are the product being sold.
I signed up understanding that and knowing that if I wasn't paying for their service someone else was.
Have the audacity to complain incessantly when OMG OMG OMG OMG FB is CENSORING!!!!! Oh the Hugh Manatee!!!!!!
Are you kidding? Have you forgotten what I do for a living? That one little chit comes on here every week it seems with a new screen name because his last one got banned because he can't control himself. Then he has the nerve to email my boss (aka "me") bitching because he's being "censored".
IN FACT FB billed itself originally as "free speech on the internet". That was a major selling point. And once they had their audience sucked in, they changed it and now censor anyone whose political bent they don't like or who mocks the Great God Fauci. I'll bitch about that if I want. The DU was upfront about their rules: no conservatives allowed, even hint that you might not be full on Left and you will be banned. I respect that and there are probably still posts on here where I say so. FB, on the other hand, pulled a bait and switch and that is bullshit.
I don't care that you don't use FB. It makes absolutely no difference to me. What I mind is that you have this phony "I'm above it all " thing going on that irritates me enough to give you chit about it.