Just to clarify - I don't know a thing about JUUL's products. I do find vaping smelly. Maybe it's like not being able to smell your own breath or farts or not finding cigarette smoke - from others - smelly.
I don't have anyone BLOWING IN MY FACE - you'd get a knuckle sandwich. But I am revolted by people who stand at the entrance to stores, restaurants and convenience stores, billowing their vapes. I've found that while I think cigs stink, cig smokers KNOW it bothers people and usually make the effort to walk away from store entrances or restaurant entrances. I've stood with groups of people talking outdoors, and one person vaping up a storm not three feet from me.
I suspect it's because they think it's like smacking your gum loudly when you chew - it's gross, but it doesn't smell, and it does.
I wouldn't be annoyed IF they showed the consideration I typically get from cigarette smokers. I've had to wait in lines for buses and a couple people are just going at it right next to me.