Fed Govt closes 3 hours early



Originally posted by PFgal
:roflmao: I do that w/my guy. I say, "Hey...will you help me fold the clothes??" He comes up to 'help' and starts folding....I slowly disappear. :biggrin:
:spank: and ya'll wonder why we don't help. :rolleyes:

I never minded helping out, but it never failed, it became my job from then on after that. :cussing:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by PFgal
:roflmao: I do that w/my guy. I say, "Hey...will you help me fold the clothes??" He comes up to 'help' and starts folding....I slowly disappear. :biggrin:

The only other person I'd want folding my clothes is my oldest son. :lmao: He taught me how to fold.


Be about it
Originally posted by justhangn
:spank: and ya'll wonder why we don't help. :rolleyes:

Oh get out! It's not like I don't do most of the household chores around there...he can 'help' fold clothes periodically. :neener:


Salt Life
Originally posted by cmcdanal
you wouldn't feel the need to own 80 pairs of underwear. :duh:
There's nothing wrong with owning a gazillion pairs of undies. You can only wear them a few times before a new style comes along...:duh:

Originally posted by cmcdanal
He had no comeback. Guess he couldn't argue with the truth, he went offline instead.
Actually, I had to bust a move on up outta this place. Had to pick up your Mom & JH, ya know?