Feed the terrorists!


Lead Penguin
BB, I understand your concerns about the children in our nation that go hungry.  However, these children have parents...(they didn't drop out of the sky like  food and missiles do in Afghanistan... :lmao: )  More than most of these parents are more than able to work and provide for their children.  It is not the nation's responsibility to take care of children who <i>can</i> be taken care of by their parents.  I think that in America we have far too many irresponsible parents...that is something that needs to be changed.  Parents need to be better parents...we have to change that in our society so that parental roles are improved.  Also, the number of children that go hungry in America are far fewer than the numbers in many other countries...especially third world countries.


New Member
Parents responsibility?  Well does that include dead-beat dads.. Who don't want to pay support for their children?  Then you have to go through a system that sucks - just to get a lousy check that can't even pay for their school lunches every month.. Or the fact - that they can't seem to find them.. But the dead-beat files for taxes every year - but he can't be found.. Or the fact that - people get laid off their job every single day - they had enough to get by each month - but not enough for savings - living in a bad neighborhood because thats all they can afford - without having to live on the streets.. Or maybe people that did have ok jobs - and a plane came bombing through your building - now your out of a job - not by your fault..

There are lot of sceneros that go along with not having enough.. Just don't blame it on bad parenting.. If there wasn't someone who cleaned up around your apartment complex - the roads - the offices - there would be a mess.. Everyone has a part in something.. Don't look down on anyone.. Those mininum wage jobs - keep your office place cleaned.. But if they lose their job - by layoffs - or tragedy like Sept 11.  And they have 2 or 3 kids to feed and they were already scraping by - does this mean that they are bad parents?  Yea its - bad in third world countries.. Because the government chooses to let their people live like that.. Why can't a girl be educated in some countries?  Why can't their be a sewage system like here in america.. The simple things.. Thats why every type of foreigner is running to this country.. We will soon be a third world country - if we don't put a stop to it.. The same way they treated their country - is the same way they treat ours.. Not all but some.. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. Unless you take that bad apple out..

Children are abandone by their parents because the parents can't take care of them - lose their jobs - so are we to turn our backs on the children?  

Maybe if parents teach their children to stop having sex at an early age - or single men and women stop having sex before their married - maybe we wouldn't have all these unwanted children.. There is a foundation - that has created all these problems.. Lack of Morals is one - and the other - thinking of only self.. Selfishness is the number cause of misery - and chaos..    


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good for you, Penguin!  I couldn't agree with you more.  Every crappy parent has an excuse as to why they can't take care of their kids - and they all suck.

But, back to the topic, I just got my US News yesterday and there was a story on the yellow food packets we dumped on Afghanistan.  Seems the only people who are getting this "humanitarian aid" are soldiers and black marketers.  Apparently soldiers and market owners ran out and scooped up most of the packets and are now <i>selling</i> them to the Afghan citizens.  God bless the capitalists!

The people living who are living in tents because the Taliban destroyed their homes didn't even know about this food.  Think about it - how <i>would</i> they know?  Do they get a copy of the Wash Post every day in their mailbox?  Do they hear it on the Taliban controlled radio?  Maybe while they're kicked back watching CNN on their color TV?

So what do you suppose the odds are that American kids' allowance money is getting to the starving people?  4th grade kids are probably financing new planes for the Taliban.

We keep saying they're a bunch of stupid ragheads but apparently they're smarter than WE are.  Bush's food drop was quite Carter-esque in it's lack of big-picture thinking.


New Member
Yea they have alot of smart people in those countries.. This country has played the FOOL so long - we can't tell the difference.. Its also funny - when people don't have children they can tell the others what to do with theirs..
OR say someone is not a good parent..

I see alot of DUMB parents with their children - out and about.. Their hometraining to me is way to liberal -


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yep, it's easy to be a perfect parent when you don't have any kids :lmao:  I happen to have four so I'm a bit battle-scarred and I could rant about crappy parents all day long!  But I won't :crazy:

I <i>am</i> thoroughly annoyed at my tax dollars going to some Afghan soldier or shopkeeper.  This is why I don't just give to random charities - the money is almost never used for it's intended purpose.  I've spearheaded several fundraisers and every single penny collected <i>always</i> went to the intended organization.  All prizes were donated, entertainment was donated, food was donated, facilities were donated.  So it irritates me when an event raises thousands of dollars yet the charity only gets a few hundred of it.

But that's another rant.


AP and Vraiblonde,

I cannot agree with you on the subject of the children because in respect you are blaming the kids for having deadbeat parents.  We need stricter laws for deadbeat parents, but we should not say oh well to the kids who cannot do for themselves.  Yeah it is the parents fault for neglecting the children and not taking care of them, but it seems the children always get shafted in the end.  Even when you have good parents who spank their children occasionally for discipline purposes, there is always someone complaining about abuse and telling the socialist communist social workers that the kids need to be taken away for that.  Now in that example who is getting punished, the child or the parent?  I tend to believe the child is getting punished because now he/she gets to go to a orphan house or foster parents and we know those two things really suck for the kid.  Same thing with deadbeat parents on the street with kids.  They have to starve and fend for themselves because the parents don't really care about their welfare.  So they have to suffer because they have unequal rights compared to an adult.  All I am saying is that we are trying unsuccessfully to feed and aid the children in Afghanistan, but we tend to forget about the unfortunate children with sorry parents in this country who cannot do for themselves.  No we did not tell the sorry parents to have the kids, but should we punish an innocent child for the mistakes their parents made.  I know this is reaching into social welfare, but if we are going to feed the ungrateful world why not start at home.


As far as third world countries go, I could care less about them.  I say that to say this, Many of these third world countries especially in Africa and SouthEast Asia have been warring and fighting over land and bragging rights for centuries.  Most of the countries have the ability to be more democratic and peaceful than they are seeing that they don't have to worry about the melting pot we have in the United States.  We are a diverse nation with people living here from every country in the world and we have become the most powerful nation in the history of the world.  Many of the third world countries have the same religion and ethnic groups.  They don't have the race problems and ethnic differences that we have here.  This country has came a long way dealing with those problems, so I do not feel sorry for those third world countries.  They have seen an example in us that works and if the people of those countries are not willing to die for that freedom like the fathers of this nation have died then I have no remorse for them.  We are relatively a new nation and we have went milestones beyond these third world countries who have been established for generations.  I'm sorry if that sounds wierd to you, but that is how I feel.  People have to fight for change or they are doomed to die like a sheep amongst wolves.



If you remember from an earlier post when we were talking about sending money to terrorists I asked the question of how were we sure that the food and aid was getting to the appropriate people.  Well, It seems that that question was answered by your post saying that soldiers and blackmarketers are getting it and exploiting it.  I knew that was going to happen and many were telling me that it would get to the right people.  This campaign of fighting wars and feeding the enemy always backfires on us.  We need to get away from doing that and worry about feeding folks when we get rid of the evil factions we are fighting.  Fight wars now and love later.  Bush has really disappointed me with this issue more now than ever with this new information about the exploitation of the food and aid.  Millions of U.S. taxpayers hard earned dollars wasted on the soldiers we are fighting and the blackmarketers.  If they want to throw money away, its better if they throw it my way or America's way than give it to the enemy.


Ok, I guess I made several of you mad because my kids sent money for starving Afghan children and not to people in the U.S.A. If it make you feel any better I also donate to Chrismas in April and the homeless shelter in Hughesville.  Please have a little compassion. You all have so much and others have so little. GOD BLESS AMERICA


New Member
There seems to be alot of sheeps on this forum..

We can't even get into the displinary part of parenting.. That will have to be another topic:  I have seen parents negotiate with their bad a$$
kid.. NOT.. Im the parent I make the laws - I feed you - I make the laws - I clothed you - I make the laws - you're living rent free - I make the laws.. I've gone way off the subject.. It just fuels me up - when children are discarded because of a lousy parent/s..

I totally understood what BBC was saying about our children.. We have millions/billions and even asking our own children to give up a dollar.. Please - we got children here that need some food.. Don't hear them talking about those kids. Dropping food from an aircraft is insane.

When my daughter brought a memo home asking to give a dollar to the AFGAn's children - I told her she better take that memo outside and throw it away - PRIORITIES?  Are we becoming more like PACiFeST. Poor American Country Instead of Fighting Enemy Send Trillions.


PomneyandTT Lighten up, I put a dollar in an envelope, put your name on it and mailed to the Whitehouse. You keep your dollar. God Bless America


New Member
No one is mad because you decided to send your money to AFGAN's.. Your choice.. Your the one with the guilt trip.. Talking about giving money at christmas and April.. A true hearted giver doesn't have to announce that he has given charity.. This fund - they claim they have - it will sit in a fund account and be sent over to treasury - and if it gets distributed it will not go out until 2003 budget.. Believe that..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hartline, I think it's nice that your kids sent a buck to the Afghan children.  To me, even if it doesn't do them a darn bit of good or even get to them at all, you're still teaching your children to give to those less fortunate and I applaud that. :clap:

You took a dollar that your kids might have otherwise spent on candy and turned it into a priceless lesson for them.  I'll go for that before millions of our tax dollars thrown into a minefield.


Lead Penguin
I'm sure people don't want to steer too much from the subject of this thread.  Since  there have been many heated replies concerning the responsibility of parents,  I will start a thread on that in the politics forum...where we can continue discussing parental roles.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lmao:  TT, Hartline didn't say he gives $ at Christmas <i>and</i> April - he gives to Christmas In April, which is an organization that fixes up the houses of elderly and disabled people.  I've swung a hammer for them for many years and it's a very worthwhile effort.  I'm amazed that you've never heard of it.


New Member
Ok - good for you - doesn't mean I agree.. Haven't we been letting our kids get away with things - without teaching them to be pushovers.. When you have been slapped in the face  by your enemy - go back to your enemy and let them slap you on the other side of your face.. Good teaching.. Its funny how the fence is saddled.. Alot of suspects on this forum..  Man - fall for anything.. What a joke..

The taliban took over in 1996.. Women had lives before then. Doctors, teachers, going to school. Now women can't teach - practice medicine. Do anything but survive.. So if the government was so concerned about the AFGAN's - shouldn't they of wiped out the taliban back in 1996.. NO - why because it wasn't an important agenda - it wasn't hurting the american people then. Why did it take YOU - so long to send money to AFGAN's children before now.. Why did it take you to hear it from our president to send money.. These people have been suffering since 96 - when the taliban took over.. Sending a dollar means nothing - because it didn't concern you until now.


New Member
No never heard of it.. Im not one of those people - who think I should give to charity to be important.. I have given - but thats nothing I should have to post - and let you know what I do and haven't done.. Its almost like its a status quo to give to charity - and your a bad person if you don't.. Who cares what anyone thinks.. And Im not going to ride someone's band wagon - just because it will make things more peaceable.. You agree with hartline - fine - don't throw anything at me - because I don't agree..

AP - your opening a can of worms with that topic - everyone has different parental skills - I do not spare the rod - and I don't think my kids should participate in extra school activities if their grades are not good - does that make me a bad parent.. Some would say yes.. But I don't want them to think that life is a handout...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So see, TT - even you and I can agree on <i>something</i> :smile:  I don't hit my kids at all but I've been known to cancel birthday parties on the day of the event because the kid was being stupid.  My son <i>still</i> teases me about the year I "took away his birthday".  But you better believe he never repeated that particular infraction again!