AP and Vraiblonde,
I cannot agree with you on the subject of the children because in respect you are blaming the kids for having deadbeat parents. We need stricter laws for deadbeat parents, but we should not say oh well to the kids who cannot do for themselves. Yeah it is the parents fault for neglecting the children and not taking care of them, but it seems the children always get shafted in the end. Even when you have good parents who spank their children occasionally for discipline purposes, there is always someone complaining about abuse and telling the socialist communist social workers that the kids need to be taken away for that. Now in that example who is getting punished, the child or the parent? I tend to believe the child is getting punished because now he/she gets to go to a orphan house or foster parents and we know those two things really suck for the kid. Same thing with deadbeat parents on the street with kids. They have to starve and fend for themselves because the parents don't really care about their welfare. So they have to suffer because they have unequal rights compared to an adult. All I am saying is that we are trying unsuccessfully to feed and aid the children in Afghanistan, but we tend to forget about the unfortunate children with sorry parents in this country who cannot do for themselves. No we did not tell the sorry parents to have the kids, but should we punish an innocent child for the mistakes their parents made. I know this is reaching into social welfare, but if we are going to feed the ungrateful world why not start at home.
As far as third world countries go, I could care less about them. I say that to say this, Many of these third world countries especially in Africa and SouthEast Asia have been warring and fighting over land and bragging rights for centuries. Most of the countries have the ability to be more democratic and peaceful than they are seeing that they don't have to worry about the melting pot we have in the United States. We are a diverse nation with people living here from every country in the world and we have become the most powerful nation in the history of the world. Many of the third world countries have the same religion and ethnic groups. They don't have the race problems and ethnic differences that we have here. This country has came a long way dealing with those problems, so I do not feel sorry for those third world countries. They have seen an example in us that works and if the people of those countries are not willing to die for that freedom like the fathers of this nation have died then I have no remorse for them. We are relatively a new nation and we have went milestones beyond these third world countries who have been established for generations. I'm sorry if that sounds wierd to you, but that is how I feel. People have to fight for change or they are doomed to die like a sheep amongst wolves.