Feminist Rejections


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience

A major issue guys face in relationships that is multiplied because of social media.​

I bought my fiancé a promise ring the day after I proposed. I was fairly broke and she picked out a little diamond ring and was content.

As my financial situation improved, she was out looking for items to flip in a pawn shop and "stumbled upon" an unworn engagement ring that some poor bloke had presented and been turned down. She told me about it, so I visited the shop and purchased it. She's not the materialistic type, but the light in her eyes when I got down on one knee to present it to her was worth ever bit of the $2k price tag. A small price to pay for that look.

Then she helped me get back on my feet. 😆
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PREMO Member

Men with Hobbies CAN NOT be Good Husbands and Fathers - It is Known​

Men who have Hobbies are Losers​

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The Female Dating Strategy​

She says "...save ourselves from...eventual depopulation...," like it's a bad thing.

Personally, I'm praying for a meteor. A really, big, honkin' meteor. Or maybe a whole mess of them. Whatever it takes to pulverize this planet into space dust.

I mean, it's not like anyone will miss us. I certainly wouldn't.


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Been a fan of Paglia's since the '70s.

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That's messy, but I don't want to mess with it or it might not work.