Fiance and Dishes=Death


yeah yeah
oh sure...ok..

well that is just fine and dandy...I can handle this one on my own now...that I know this alliance that has been made...uh huh...ok

Now the torture starts on Jesse



New Member
Hey, bknarw - that reminds me of the story I was taught as a little girl. A woman is teaching her daughter to hammer a nail and says, "Remember dear, if you miss the nail enough times some man is sure to come along to show you how to hammer a nail - and you can usually get him to do the whole job".

Told that to a friend of mine who was being taken by some chickas back in college - really opened his eyes.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by devilwoman
Hey, bknarw - that reminds me of the story I was taught as a little girl. A woman is teaching her daughter to hammer a nail and says, "Remember dear, if you miss the nail enough times some man is sure to come along to show you how to hammer a nail - and you can usually get him to do the whole job".

Told that to a friend of mine who was being taken by some chickas back in college - really opened his eyes.

Have you seen that Bill Cosby routine on this subject? It's one of my favorites. It's the one where his wife wakes him up to feed the kids breakfast and he gives them all chocolate cake and grapefruit juice. She finds them, sends him back to bed, and that's where he wanted to be in the first place!
We're not as dumb as you gals may think...