

..if momma ain't happy...
Sure wish this "lady's room" really was ladies only, but here goes....

I played the "take a new pill" game for over 3 years with 2 different doctors. The break-through bleeding eventually became constant. Finally found a doctor whose first suggestion after hearing my history and performing exam was "let's get that out of there".

Had surgery late fall 2008. Once the incision healed, the relief was amazing. Doc said fibroid-filled uterus was the size of a 5-6 month pregnancy, and the worst mess he'd ever seen. Sure wished I'd been given a surgery option earlier.

The type of fibroids I had was genetic, Grandma, Mom, 2 sisters and I all have/had them.

Hope all this info helps someone else weighting their options.


New Member
I just caught this thread. I've been dealing with fibroids for a couple of years. Been in a wait and see. Thanks for the update. Hope you feel better soon.

I promise you .. the sooner the better. it took forever for me to heal because I waited to long. Dont let them get out of control. I actually have pics.. if anyone is interested lol


Active Member
I've been putting off a trip to the doctor for a very very long time because I know I have fibroids, but they don't bother me.


New Member
I just went back for another sono. I have several but 3 are bigger than golf balls. Waiting on my follow up to discuss options. Thanks for this thread it's been good reading and information. Love the internet docs too!