Fighting the Ranch Club


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Originally posted by SuperGrover
if the builder still runs the HOA, it's a different incorporation. the two are mutually exclusive.

Anyone can buy a lot and build on it.

See the website for more info...

Hey Grover, I see you got released from detention. :lmao:


jack of all trades
EASEMENTS: The Corporation reserves on easement with right of entry upon, across, over, and through each lot for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and repairing drains, culverts, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, utility lines and equipment

MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FEE: Each lot purchasers or owner shall pay to the Corporation in advance by May 25th of each year an annual maintenance and operations fee (formerly call annual Chesapeake Ranch Club dues) for the operation of the common facilities and to provide security services.

ROAD FEE: Each lot purchaser or owner shall pay to the Corporation in advance by July 1st of each year an annual fee for each lot, for the construction, maintenance and repair of all roads in the subdivisions. Said fee shall be $86.40 for the year beginning July 1, 1987.


New Member
Originally posted by msspeedyg
We have been fighting the Chesapeake Ranch Club for the last 5 months to get our driveway fixed.We need a drain ditch put in.All we keep getting from them is the run arounds.I feel that we pay $356.00 dollars a year in Association fees that they can fix my driveway.I have contacted ABC7 on your side and Calvert County Commissioners.I don't know what eles to do.I told them i wasn't paying my dues for this year until my problem was solved and they said that they'll put a lien against my home..I don't know what eles to do.......??????:bawl:

If they told you that they will put a lien against your house, then I advise you to just do it yourself.

That's the last thing in the world you want to worry about, especially if you don't have to.

Keep receipts and things and if you ever get anywhere with them, maybe they'll pay you back, but I would just pay for it. Plus, the longer you hold off, the worse it's gonna get.

It may not be fair what they're doing, but what can you do ?

Good luck.


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: Fighting the Ranch Club

Originally posted by bluecat
It may not be fair what they're doing, but what can you do ?

Good luck.

Write to the HOA head honcho, and send it certified mail/return receipt. Give 'em 3 chances ... then contact an attorney. Dealing with builders/HOAs can suck azz. I know ... my builder is a complete sh!tbag after he gets his check at settlement. :ohwell:


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Re: Re: Re: Fighting the Ranch Club

Originally posted by crabcake
Write to the HOA head honcho, and send it certified mail/return receipt. Give 'em 3 chances ...:blahblah:
Bwahahahaha! :killingme :lmao: :roflmao:

Yeah, that'll help. :rolleyes:


jack of all trades
Originally posted by SuperGrover
EASEMENTS: The Corporation reserves on easement with right of entry upon, across, over, and through each lot for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and repairing drains, culverts, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, utility lines and equipment

MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FEE: Each lot purchasers or owner shall pay to the Corporation in advance by May 25th of each year an annual maintenance and operations fee (formerly call annual Chesapeake Ranch Club dues) for the operation of the common facilities and to provide security services.

ROAD FEE: Each lot purchaser or owner shall pay to the Corporation in advance by July 1st of each year an annual fee for each lot, for the construction, maintenance and repair of all roads in the subdivisions. Said fee shall be $86.40 for the year beginning July 1, 1987.

Speedy, looking back at the posts, do you mean a drainage ditch that runs parallel to the road? if so, it's plainly stated above that CRE is responsible. Good luck!

also, nothing says that YOU can't place a lien against CRE's HOA if you end up installing a drain yourself.


New Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
EASEMENTS: The Corporation reserves on easement with right of entry upon, across, over, and through each lot for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and repairing drains, culverts, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, utility lines and equipment

MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FEE: Each lot purchasers or owner shall pay to the Corporation in advance by May 25th of each year an annual maintenance and operations fee (formerly call annual Chesapeake Ranch Club dues) for the operation of the common facilities and to provide security services.

ROAD FEE: Each lot purchaser or owner shall pay to the Corporation in advance by July 1st of each year an annual fee for each lot, for the construction, maintenance and repair of all roads in the subdivisions. Said fee shall be $86.40 for the year beginning July 1, 1987.

Nothin' in there 'bout maintaining your driveway (nor bushes, trees, grass, house, etc.). Get busy!


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fighting the Ranch Club

Originally posted by Sharon
Bwahahahaha! :killingme :lmao: :roflmao:

Yeah, that'll help. :rolleyes:

it may not, but it'll C.Y.A. if you need to take further action ... I screwed myself b/c I didn't certify my notices to the builder ... but it's all good, b/c I make up for it with the 20-footx20-foot day-glo orange sign I put at the edge of the road saying "OUR BUILDER SUX AZZ!" while he's trying to sell houses behind me for $375K! :biggrin:


jack of all trades
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fighting the Ranch Club

Originally posted by crabcake
it may not, but it'll C.Y.A. if you need to take further action ... I screwed myself b/c I didn't certify my notices to the builder ... but it's all good, b/c I make up for it with the 20-footx20-foot day-glo orange sign I put at the edge of the road saying "OUR BUILDER SUX AZZ!" while he's trying to sell houses behind me for $375K! :biggrin:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SuperGrover
EASEMENTS: The Corporation reserves on easement with right of entry upon, across, over, and through each lot for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and repairing drains, culverts, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, utility lines and equipment

EASEMENT is the trick word here. If they need to run a drain in front of your property to solve a problem, they can do it whether you like it or not. The drain protecting YOUR driveway is YOUR problem. When was your home built? That is a big problem in Drum Point and CRC. Many older houses were built without regard for drainage and, believe it or not, several roads are not where they are supposed to be. I thought I paid more than $80 for a pipe but it wasn't much more and it included the flared pieces for both ends. Add to that the labor of a couple of high school kids for diggers and it is a whole lot cheaper than going to court for a losing battle.


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Originally posted by willie
it is a whole lot cheaper than going to court for a losing battle.

It just doesn't make sense when you pay $100K + for a house and quibble over a few buck$ to maintain the driveway. If you fix it once the right way, it'll quit washing out. We've had some really heavy storms here the past few days. I've seen lots of stuff that normally wouldn't be flooded, washed away, but what can you do? The newly constructed house up the road just got a lawn put in before the storms hit. When I walked Bear this morning some of it was washed out and they had a lake in the front yard. :lol:


New Member
Drain Ditch

They won't let us put in the drain ditch.They said that they have to have misutility come out and mark all of the wires that run threw our driveway and across the road,So our hands are tied.And its the drain ditch that runs parallel to the road so it's there place to fix it not mine...


Well-Known Member
Re: Drain Ditch

Originally posted by msspeedyg
They won't let us put in the drain ditch.They said that they have to have misutility come out and mark all of the wires that run threw our driveway and across the road,So our hands are tied.And its the drain ditch that runs parallel to the road so it's there place to fix it not mine...
There is a serious case of miscommunication here. Did they actually say the words "you can't do it"? If so, those suckers owe me a bunch of drain pipes. Miss Utility should be called for any kind of digging, you can make the call. If you just plain don't want to do the work, call a contractor. It will not be an expensive job.


New Member
I live in CRE as well. I do have a drainage tube that runs under my driveway and I'm about to add another one. The wonder brainiacs at CRE "graded" the road, and basically scraped the edge of the road completely clean of any remaining blacktop or stone, so now there is just dirt, with a hard square edge to my lawn. Now, everybody's lawn edge is being undercut by all this rain we have, and there are some REALLY big holes being created at roads edge where the dirst is washing out.

CRE is in financial trouble right now, as is the related CRE water company. They are fighting the county/state for control and aid, which only pushes the rules more into the GREY area.

I have not yet paid my dues this year because they pissed me off for other issues. Does it hurt them? No. But they also have not placed a lien against me. I don't use their facilitys, and as for teh security claim, well, thanks to the neighbors, the police are around more often than the security patrol.


I live in the Raunch Estates also. I never depend on the CRE HOA to do anything except ineptly fill the potholes as they form over and over again in the road (they fill it with gravel.. duh!!). I don't go to them when I need to remove a tree or alter/add to my property. I have the same type of problem starting in front of my driveway and will probably just throw in a drain pipe myself. Even if it is CRE's responsibility (which I am in doubt of), I know that they would not do it or blunder it if they did.
Good luck!