Fighting the Ranch Club


Originally posted by RoseRed
Run off the new neighbors yet?
I will let them stay, they are cool. But I have my order in for the hogs and goats and I have my lawn chair placed for when the new neighbors move in 3 weeks.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
I will let them stay, they are cool. But I have my order in for the hogs and goats and I have my lawn chair placed for when the new neighbors move in 3 weeks.
Don't forget to clean your shot gun and get your spitoon out. :wink:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Isn't CRE's dues somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 a year? That is ridiculously high.

White Sand's dues are $180 a year... and Drum Point's are $15 a year. I'm not sure why there's such a huge difference in cost, but if it's because of the facilities available in the CRE, I think they ought to strike all or part of those from the dues and make them a pay per use facility.

I know CRE is probably double the size of White Sands and several times the size of Drum Point, which would need more money for services. But there's also more houses and thus more sources of money.


Originally posted by RoseRed
Don't forget to clean your shot gun and get your spitoon out. :wink:
It's always clean and a spitoon? You have me confused with someone who has class, I use a coke can.


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth
Isn't CRE's dues somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 a year? That is ridiculously high.

White Sand's dues are $180 a year... and Drum Point's are $15 a year. I'm not sure why there's such a huge difference in cost, but if it's because of the facilities available in the CRE, I think they ought to strike all or part of those from the dues and make them a pay per use facility.

I know CRE is probably double the size of White Sands and several times the size of Drum Point, which would need more money for services. But there's also more houses and thus more sources of money.

$300 is not bad at all, considering. 3 bay beaches, one lake beach, campgrounds, mulitiple play grounds, boat launches and community buildings (dance hall, restroom facilities at the beaches, community center...). That $300 I think is actually $360, takes care of all of that, plowing of the " improved" roads in the winter, since they are currently owned by CRE as is the public water system.

The problem is, that all of that is aging, and the cost is starting to overwhelm them as is the lawyer fees for multiple fights that they are in with state and water companies for control, and aid. Service is starting to deteriorate along with the roads and facilities. Long term planning looks fields, pools, tennis courts, new roads, community centers... They're just in pretty bad shape right now.


New Member
I think it should absolutely be CRE's responsibility to repair the driveway. They are responsible for the storm drains. As a matter of fact according to CRE the first few feet of your property technically is not yours, it is CRE's. They are supposed to maintain the drains and make sure that they are free of debris so that they can drain appropriately as well as pull the weeds from the area. However, I dont see where they ever do it and unless you want your house to look like a dump, then you must do it yourself.

Our road is not paved and they continue to replace the road with gravel after heavy rains. Usually the replacement is not even done until I complain about the fact that the bottom of my car scrapes when entering my driveway due to the road being washed away. Then when I threaten them with pictures of the roads and damage estimates to my car they come and fix it.

I love living here, however I get sick of abiding by all the rules stated in the bilaws and CRE not doing their part. The house behind me looks like a junk pile with an empty keg, baby strollers hanging of the decks, walkers sitting in the yard and trees still laying across my yard that fell from theres during the hurricane. However, I have brought it to CRE's attention that this is a constant eye sore and that when I have company over and we sit on the deck we must stare at the house owned by Sanford & son! They do nothing! It states that our yards must be maintained, however they dont enforce it for those who do not abide and then wonder why they get such a bad rap!


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sinwagon
The house behind me looks like a junk pile with an empty keg, baby strollers hanging of the decks, walkers sitting in the yard and trees still laying across my yard that fell from theres during the hurricane.
Post a pic for my Isabel collection, please! :lol:

New rule... if the tree is in your yard if belongs to you now. :suxdon'tit:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sinwagon
... I love living here, however I get sick of abiding by all the rules stated in the bilaws and CRE not doing their part. The house behind me looks like a junk pile with an empty keg, baby strollers hanging of the decks, ...
Sorry neighbor, but I need the stroller to move the keg after each refill. :cheers:


New Member
Originally posted by sinwagon
The house behind me looks like a junk pile ...

Dag...sounds like my neighbors and your neighbors would get along fine. Among the junk, my neighbors have marajuana growing in their yard and a dog that doesn't know who's yard he's supposed to chit in. How do I know about the weed? Because they asked our permission first. :rolleyes: I'm not kidding. It's for their own use, it's not enough to distribute, and since they have moved in, the police haven't been out to the house in a month, where they used to be there once a week.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Darn, my neighbors were trash pigs who used to fill up the back of their pick-up truck before hauling it to the dump. Ever since I started shooting the crows and cats feeding out of it, they've been pretty good about keeping that stuff inside. Maybe the heat and dead carcasses smell worse to them. :shrug:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Ever since I started shooting the crows and cats feeding out of it, they've been pretty good about keeping that stuff inside.
:lmao: I can see you doing that! :roflmao: