Well-Known Member
Dear Lord where do I begin?!?! I'll delve into this in a separate thread tonight. But some highlights from your place's practices...
-so why not just call your joint St. Paul's? Dozens of references to his letters but curiously not one single reference to any of the four gospels for your practices...
-reference to Protestant authors (extra-biblical) "as so and so says in their book..."
-war on women!
-intellectually dishonest references to Corinthians instead of John 6 when referring to your "communion"--especially the use of as commanded by Christ when Christ CLEARLY lays out his commandments regarding communion...yeah we know why...
-everyone is their own priest?
-no difference between clergy and laity?
-so there's no pastor?
You just don't get the NT, onel, or what it teaches. We use all the Bible - old and new, and add nothing to the Word. You are such a small minded person that you cannot connect anything you said to what the Bible actually says.
No we do not have a full time pastor. We have Elders that tend to the spiritual side/issues; we have Stewards that tend to the running and physical side of the church. Yes, the NT preaches that every believer is a saint (definitioon - santicified and set aside for the exclusive use of God), Jesus's work has made all believers kings and priests to God (without all the flash/dash/razzamataz/robes/pointy hats/censures, etc. like your rcc).
Paul happened to write half the NT - do you have a problem with that, or did you even know that? Absolutely nothing wrong with the four gospels, we strongly use them all the time. Paul was merely the extension of those writers until his death. Get that?
War on women - you are ignorant. They are put on a pedestal, as we are instructed to love them more than ourselves.
John 6? Your transubstantiation? You blood and flesh eaters

Any kind of intellectual lack or dishonesty comes from those, like you, that fail to even read or think about what you just dissed off-handed, like most of the posts and threads of yours. Disagreement is fine. The insulting and insecurity is strong with you.
Clergy and laity - one and the same. Some are gifted speakers that speak, some are gifted scholars that have credentials to get the "clergy" parking spots, etc., but we are all laymen in the eyes of God.
And, thanks for admitting you needed to tone things down on your part this morning. Try thinking a bit as well, before you jump off on another rant. But that's doubtful.
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