Finally some good news....


New Member
mrweb said:
So would a lot of people. It would be no contest depending on his pick for VP, however, I know Sen Nunn and it ain't going to happen, or as he would put it, that dog don't hunt. :ohwell:
Funny 'Cause Zell talked about his dogs in his book! Now there's a Dem. bumper sticker I would stick to my bumper...Nunn/Miller or Miller/Nunn! :patriot: Mr. Web, You not going to turn me into a Dem, but when all your party can produce is the likes of Kerry's and Dean's. Mr.Web you going to vote for Hillary? :loser:


mrweb said:
So would a lot of people. It would be no contest depending on his pick for VP, however, I know Sen Nunn and it ain't going to happen, or as he would put it, that dog don't hunt. :ohwell:



I bowl overhand
truby20 said:
Well good news for those leaning to the left....helps me get out of the funk I'm in since Bolton is getting ready to be confirmed:

More than half in new poll likely to vote for Clinton
I know we are still three years aways but never too early for momentum... :cartwheel
You think it would be a good thing to have a woman that let herself get walked on and humiliated, and not have the backbone to do anything about it lead the country?? Personally I think it's a marriage of convenience, and she's a lesbo (NOT that there is anything rong with that) that a had an affair with Janet Reno.. explain to me how else that woman attained the office? Hillary is a spoiled brat, much more qualified and stronger women out there that I WOULD vote for.. she wouldn't even be in the top 50!


New Member
Hey istbob!

itsbob said:
You think it would be a good thing to have a woman that let herself get walked on and humiliated, and not have the backbone to do anything about it lead the country?? Personally I think it's a marriage of convenience, and she's a lesbo (NOT that there is anything rong with that) that a had an affair with Janet Reno.. explain to me how else that woman attained the office? Hillary is a spoiled brat, much more qualified and stronger women out there that I WOULD vote for.. she wouldn't even be in the top 50!

I think the woman your talking about actually came from a somewhat poor northern PA family, but she knew how to get some where by attracting herself to man whom politically is going some where. And that he did as much as I hate the SOB..
When his library opened in Little Rock. "W" :patriot: gave a speech and said.." If Bill Clinton was the Titanic, when it comes to politics, the ice burgh would have sunk"
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Routinely Derailed
1. Consider the source (Communist Ninnies Network)

2. An unpaid political advertisement from the L.E.F.T. (Lie Every F****ing Time)

3. Proof that there are still a few anti-American idiots who like having amoral crooks in the White House


24/7 Single Dad
At least there was some good news
But those saying they are virtually certain to vote against her topped those virtually certain to support her by 10 percentage points in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.


aps45819 said:
At least there was some good news

Not trying to start a debatee but I was wondering, woudl you ever vote for a female president :shrug: maybe a republican one :shrug:


New Member

I would vote for a women anyday! When there is one out there worth voting for! If she can show that she deserves my vote! And I think Condi could be the one! How about Laura! :patriot:


24/7 Single Dad
dems4me said:
Not trying to start a debatee but I was wondering, woudl you ever vote for a female president :shrug: maybe a republican one :shrug:
Voting for president has devolved into a choice between the lesser of two evils, so I can't rule that out.
I find there are very few absolutes in life.


Routinely Derailed
dems4me said:
Not trying to start a debatee but I was wondering, woudl you ever vote for a female president :shrug: maybe a republican one :shrug:
Yes I would - if I thought she were the right person for the job - regardless of party affiliation.


Football addict
Bustem' Down said:
I don't think she's get the nomination much less the office. I just don't think the country has matured enough yet to vote a woman in. Another 50 years maybe.
She is no woman.:twitch: