I think now that Fios is coming into Charles, Verizon has completely forgotten about their other customers with High Speed Verizon connections, we have been going round and round with them for over 2 and a half weeks with our internet service at home. DW had called about the Freedom Plan with them, but then after chatting with the rep on the phone for awhile, she says she can make our connection faster, so we upgrade to a IM/768K Annual Plan, will take affect in about 3 days, 3 days come and we cant connect to the internet. Call tech support, she cant help us because the business office is closed on weekends, get through finally on Monday, rep says that our area doesnt support 768K so she will have a work order made up for the change back, will take 48 hours and we will get call when its done, we get call Friday evening its complete, able to connect, then Saturday we get another call and they say it will be Monday before we are connected DW tells them that we are connected, guy says you shouldnt be and that we wont have connection rest of the weekend and we didnt, DW vented on this guy and he said to call the business office on Monday, after I got home from work yesterday we went out to eat to clevalleys favorite chinese resturant, and OHG was afraid to ask how her day went with Verizon and ruin a nice dinner.
Just hope all you people hooking into Fios arent sorry down the road with Verizon customer service, cause it sure $ucks.