As a person who does indeed live in Southern MD, I too believed that we would finally get some form of high speed internet to the areas that have been underserved or never-serverd in Charles County. Verizon is stopping role outs of FIOS in charles county. If you dont have a FIOS truck near your house now you wont in the near future. The techs are going to DC.
I have held off on droping my T1 line because the Fiber was pulled past my home. But now spending $319 a month for a T1 line is out of this world. No fios and no want to pay that kind of money I feel let down. in 2000 I was told we would get DSL in 5 years. In 2010 I was just told I should get FIOS with-in 5 years. I am tired of this game.
So what do we need to do?
Do we need a SMNCO - Southern Maryland Data Co-op - is that what needs to be built?
Fiber to everyones homes, WiFi with your SMDCO login in the town areas, no badwidth caps, resonably priced.
If so Ill spear head it, This is crazy the 21st wealthiest county in the country can not have a decent data backbone so that the people in the county can use the internet / telecommute / take online classes. I was outraged 10 years ago. Today Ive had enough.
Here is the main trouble with verizon. There selling off there copper business, wireless is getting faster a lot of people are switching to wireless for phone service. I believe verizon will sell off the fiber network. The buyers wont have to worry about any contracts verizon made and verizon can focus on the wireless lte network. They wont need the man power on the ground to fix issues. Saving money on man power and making money off selling the fiber network what investor wouldnt be happy with that.
Totally agree here. Go to and take a look at some of the news that occurs with Verizon. They have sold off parts of their North East and now the Midwest. Clearpoint I believe bought out Verizon NE and has already filed for Bankruptcy. Frontier bought the Midwest. Verizon is concentrating on bigger things that are more profitable.
But now spending $319 a month for a T1 line is out of this world. No fios and no want to pay that kind of money I feel let down. in 2000 I was told we would get DSL in 5 years. In 2010 I was just told I should get FIOS with-in 5 years. I am tired of this game.
OK. Lets get this movement going! Here are the people that you should be contacting and send your complaints to:
For Charles County commissioners:
These guys are the ones in charge of cable/internet:
Richard Aldridge
I've already written a letter to a few of these contacts, they absolutely blew me off. They referred me to the Verizon coverage map and said Verizon will be rolling out FIOS for the next 2-3 years and to be patient.
They've had a bit too much of that Verizon Juice! Its not happening, due to technical limitations and I don't forsee Verizon investing the money in the technology upgrades.
The inexperience and technical incompetence of the Commissioners and Cable Advisory commission are to blame for our County residents, all of them, not having broadband options (Comcast, FioS or others).
You write to the Commissioners, you get some stupid response back from their CIO, Richard Aldredge. This guy needs to retire and let some fresh, educated, technical savvy CIO take his place and move this county into the 21st century.
If those guys on the bottom don't listen, move to the top of the chain. Thanks for the idea... I might run for that office if it's publicly elected position.![]()
So let's say I actually had the cash to put in a T1 line (or attempt to split one with a neighbor or two), who would I call?
In addition to FiOS, I have been following the progress of 4G (Clear/WiMax). The Directv guy who came out to fix my dish said that his aunt who lives in Waldorf has Clear even though it is not officially on the map. He told me to call Clear and they said I don't have it right now (obviously) and that it will be coming later this year and into early next year. I got a chance to try Clear before and it is truly amazing (cable internet speed ~2MB/s - that's Megabytes not bits).
My neighbor told me that Comcast wants $2500 to run cable from the house next door to his. $5600 for running cable from the street to my house.