fireworks report?


I know nothing
jbooty said:
I went to Solomon's and was kinda disappointed.. After it taking me almost 2 1/2 hours to get home afterwards, I don't believe I'll need to go back and see them there again!

We parked all the way down at tiki..... I agree with you...

They sucked so bad this year....

Man I was so pissed that they stopped traffic on Solomons just to let the people out that parked in the grass first... What total B.S.

Fireworks ended at 930, we got home at midnight and only live 15 minutes away! total Horse Sh!t


New Member
itsbob said:
Oldest son told me they went to their usual viewing point on the boardwalk along with a few hundred other people. When the fireworks started they were actually going off behind them, and they couldn't see the fireworks over the buildings.. Everyone had to move to new vantage points.

Strange that they moved them to where you can't see them from the boardwalk.. but the people at Drum Point with waterfront homes had front row seating without leaving the comfort of their homes.

Nick went out at about 8:00 so we stayed in..

I tried telling my g/f's daughter that they were setting them off on the other side of the Island this year, but in her brilliant 13 year old mind, that just didn't compute, so she came to the conclusion that I didn't know what I was talking about and insisted that we stay on the boardwalk. I was able to get them to compromise and we sat on the church lawn...our group looking in two different directions. :lol:

Same deal there. Was a mad rush to get another vantage point when they started. I was amazed at how many people crowded the boardwalk and were looking that way, when there was no barge or fireworks station anywhere to be seen there. And right over their shoulder, folks were crowding the church lawn looking in a different direction. :lol:

Had the fireworks been higher, everyone should have been able to see, including the folks that thought that they were being smart by setting up chairs and blankets in the parking lot where the fair usually is. I doubt that those people actually got to see much of anything. :shrug:

I wish now that I had just stayed in CRE. They should have been able to see them really good from Seahorse Beach.
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pretty black roses
We walked down to the beach and was able to see the Solomon's fireworks. It wasn't too bad plus we didn't have to deal with anyone around us.


I bowl overhand
LordStanley said:
We parked all the way down at tiki..... I agree with you...

They sucked so bad this year....

Man I was so pissed that they stopped traffic on Solomons just to let the people out that parked in the grass first... What total B.S.

Fireworks ended at 930, we got home at midnight and only live 15 minutes away! total Horse Sh!t
You must of missed my post yesterday saying if you are going to the Solomons fireworks DON'T park on the island.

My kids live across the street from the island next to Asbury... the first year they lived there we went down to the island and coming back they had the turn lane blocked to get into the development.. tried to explain to the cop standing there that that was were we lived.. he wouldn't let us through. Went up to the top the hill, ran over a few traffic cones and did a U-Turn where they had another turn lane blocked but no cop doing overwatch.


I bowl overhand
We started parking around the med-center or the liquor store.. It was quicker to walk out to the car from the island and drive home, than parking on the island and driving off..


New Member
Solomon's was a HUGE disappointment.

After reading on SOMD online that the fireworks would easily be seen from 'anywhere' on the island, we parked in the first lot (paying some unknown group of people $5.00 to park there only to watch driver after driver be treated like idiots because the group wasn't organized and showing people where they wanted them to park ... but that's a different story) and the fireworks were all below the tree line.

As we decided to leave, we found that you could actually see the fireworks ... if you stood right next to the porta-potty.

The show lasted less than 15 minutes ... with the finale running what seemed to be less than a minute.

Next year I think I'll stay up north and see the show on the 3rd at the beach.


Watch it
Watched the Solmon's fireworks from the base waterfront. Easy parking and easy out. Had lots of fun here. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Someone was kind enough to provide a free fireworks show in the middle of Town Creek last night, lasting until around 11:00. In case anyone is wondering, you can still hear fireworks even with the windows closed, and your pillow over your head... :eyebrow:


"Typical White Person"
Solomons was terrible in more than one way, not only were the fireworks bad but there were large groups of certain individuals acting like that were at a freakin rap concert or something. Trying to walk back up to the house we stayed at from the lower part of the Island was a nightmare. My 2 year old was almost crushed walkling hand in hand with me from the jumpin around and hootin and hollerin all up and down the sidewalk.

That is the last time I deal with that mess, freakin kids these day have no damn respect for anybody.

BTW a sidewalk is for walking if you want hang out and talk to your buddies move the Eff over in the grass.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Went to the fairgrounds in Charles county. Got through the gate and the rap music was so loud I could barely here myself think. About the time I got around to calling Ponytail (who did not answer his phone :eyebrow: ) to see where he was at, things quieted down and music became more diverse. Fireworks started before national anthem was over but was a great show. Kudos to the Chuck county cops for traffic direction afterwards. Got out quick with minimal fuss. They really had it down perfectly.


Lem Putt
AK-74me said:
Solomons was terrible in more than one way,
:yeahthat: Never again, unless some major changes are made. Too many rude people, horriffic traffic, short anti-clamactic show. :ohwell:


Yo Gabba Gabba
keekee said:
Someone was kind enough to provide a free fireworks show in the middle of Town Creek last night, lasting until around 11:00. In case anyone is wondering, you can still hear fireworks even with the windows closed, and your pillow over your head... :eyebrow:
You're welcome.


lower life form
Here's my view of the Solomons show from the just-off-island part of Solomons: The altitude achieved by most of the stuff was not adequate to give most of the off-island Solomonders a very good show from their own property. The show did not have the cohesive showmanship qualities of past years' shows. Traffic control for the crowd, especially for post-show departure, was crudely haphazard.

I strongly sympathize with all the folks who've expressed disappointment. I'm not gonna be surprised if the spectator crowd is lots smaller next year.


Flip Flops Rule!
We had an alien appear in our fireworks :yikes:


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St. Mary's Today had this on their front page...

Fireworks Malfunction Injuries 2 Men in Calvert

No details yet.

Anyone else hear about this?


lower life form
Buzzie said:
Solomon's was a HUGE disappointment.

After reading on SOMD online that the fireworks would easily be seen from 'anywhere' on the island, we parked in the first lot (paying some unknown group of people $5.00 to park there only to watch driver after driver be treated like idiots because the group wasn't organized and showing people where they wanted them to park ... but that's a different story) and the fireworks were all below the tree line.

As we decided to leave, we found that you could actually see the fireworks ... if you stood right next to the porta-potty.

The show lasted less than 15 minutes ... with the finale running what seemed to be less than a minute.

Next year I think I'll stay up north and see the show on the 3rd at the beach.
That particular "parking lot" is actually a part of the private property of X. Bedford Glasc0ck III Esq., who makes his property available for anything he wants it to be available for. When he opens it up for public parking, he charges whatever he wants to and hires whoever he can to keep his place organized. Yeah, I realize folks are sorta upset at being treated badly when they're parking there, but still, it is actually this dude's private property and he's got a right to manage it any way he pleases.


Well-Known Member
the fireworks at Solomons sucked!!

to the parking people--i hope they use some of that money they collected to cut the grass. also trying to get out was kinda crazy. and then to get out and couldn't go back over the bridge (had to go right and find a u-turn spot).