itsbob said:
Oldest son told me they went to their usual viewing point on the boardwalk along with a few hundred other people. When the fireworks started they were actually going off behind them, and they couldn't see the fireworks over the buildings.. Everyone had to move to new vantage points.
Strange that they moved them to where you can't see them from the boardwalk.. but the people at Drum Point with waterfront homes had front row seating without leaving the comfort of their homes.
Nick went out at about 8:00 so we stayed in..
I tried telling my g/f's daughter that they were setting them off on the other side of the Island this year, but in her brilliant 13 year old mind, that just didn't compute, so she came to the conclusion that I didn't know what I was talking about and insisted that we stay on the boardwalk. I was able to get them to compromise and we sat on the church lawn...our group looking in two different directions.
Same deal there. Was a mad rush to get another vantage point when they started. I was amazed at how many people crowded the boardwalk and were looking that way, when there was no barge or fireworks station anywhere to be seen there. And right over their shoulder, folks were crowding the church lawn looking in a different direction.
Had the fireworks been higher, everyone should have been able to see, including the folks that thought that they were being smart by setting up chairs and blankets in the parking lot where the fair usually is. I doubt that those people actually got to see much of anything. :shrug:
I wish now that I had just stayed in CRE. They should have been able to see them really good from Seahorse Beach.