First date conversations


LexiGirl75 said:
Tell her to turn her chirp phone off so the kids won't be calling her on the date asking "Mama, when you coming home, are you still out with that man?" or "Mama, daddy came by and he don't like that you left us here alone to go out with that man". or "Mama, Ms. Jankins wanted to know if you had anymore corn remover left she said hers was getting almost as bad as yours".
:nono: A scheduled "rescue" call is a good idea.

Picture this:

Date is picking his teeth with the tine of a fork he bent so he could reach way back. While digging around his molar he continues with his riveting story about his vasectomy and how big his balls swelled up.

The phone rings and it is your best friend calling right on time.

Friend: "Rescue call, how is it going?"

Chic on date: OMG!

Friend: That bad eh?

Chic on date: Tell Grandma I will be there as fast as I can!

Friend: Meet you at Applebees in 15 minutes, you can spill the details!

Chic on date: OK Grandpa, I am leaving right now, meet you at the hospital!

She then turns to her date and says "Grandma fell on her way out the door to rug hooking class and is in the hospital, they think she may have broken her hip, I have to leave now, I will call you, bye"

WALA! Emergency escape plan #1 flawlessly executed :diva:

****It works the other way for dudes to escape as well. :yay:
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Pete said:
Date is picking his teeth with the tine of a fork he bent so he could reach way back. While digging around his molar he continues with his riveting story about his vasectomy and how big his balls swelled up.

Are you trying to say that most chicks don't find this appealing?


100% Goapele Head!
Ok so here you have it folks the if you like him and if you don't like him plans given by Pete and myself. :smile:


New Member
Pete said:
:nono: A scheduled "rescue" call is a good idea.
Picture this:
Date is picking his teeth with the tine of a fork he bent so he could reach way back. While digging around his molar he continues with his riveting story about his vasectomy and how big his balls swelled up.

Assuming he shows up HAVING teeth :lmao:


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
:nono: A scheduled "rescue" call is a good idea.


She won't need this yet though. Lunch date. Perfect. Limited exposure and if its hideous there's light at the end of the tunnel - "oops gotta get back to work."


Pete said:
No, not saying that at all, I was merely looking for an example :yay::lmao:

Good thing, because to me, demonstrating oral hygiene, as well as discussing a massively engorged package, is a definite hook-up.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
migtig said:
I say, let her be herself. This is a date, not a lifelong committement. A date doesn't have to be perfect, and if it's her first date in such a long time, she needs to date a lot of different folks to see who and what's out there and not kick herself in the arse over what she should have, could have and would have done. Being herself and being true to her nature and having fun dating is all that counts.
THANK you! :clap:

If you act differently than you normally would, then you're going to attract the guys who want the fake you instead of the real you. This becomes a problem if the relationship progresses past the facade stage.

As far as the "Mama" phone calls, if the guy has a problem with that you should know right up front so you don't waste anymore time on him.


Would THIS face lie?
bresamil said:
My friend is getting ready to go on her first date in 20 years. She had a pretty messy divorce, etc. so it's taken her awhile to get back in the swing.
She asked "What do I talk about?"I said, "Anything but the divorce or your ex."
Was this the right advice?

Talk about sex....That's always a good icebreaker.... :shrug:
Thinkin bout it...Might as well talk bout it... :lmao:


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
THANK you! :clap:

If you act differently than you normally would, then you're going to attract the guys who want the fake you instead of the real you. This becomes a problem if the relationship progresses past the facade stage.

As far as the "Mama" phone calls, if the guy has a problem with that you should know right up front so you don't waste anymore time on him.

That's what I'd tell her to do if she was really looking for someone. Right now she's just trying to acclimate herself to dating. I also told her to go out with whoever asked, just to get used to the routine.
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Dupontster said:
Talk about sex....That's always a good icebreaker.... :shrug:

I started a date like that once.

Me: Hi, you look nice.
Her: Thank you.
Me: So, do you have vaginal or clittoral orgasms?
Her: ...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
That's what I'd tell her to do if she was really looking for soemone.
If she weren't looking for someone, she wouldn't care how she behaved. Think about it - if you were going to meet a girlfriend for lunch, you'd know exactly how to behave. But a guy comes along and suddenly we need some tips.

Plus, she shouldn't get in the habit of being polite on dates - you end up with a lot of losers that way (trust me - I know :lol: ).


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
See, that would have made me laugh and would have started off a fun date. :lol:
Really? :twitch:

I'd walk out. But then I am an uptight moralistic snob, so I'd just be acting normal. :shrug:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
bresamil said:
My friend is getting ready to go on her first date in 20 years. She had a pretty messy divorce, etc. so it's taken her awhile to get back in the swing.
She asked "What do I talk about?"
I said, "Anything but the divorce or your ex."
Was this the right advice?

Pretty much. She can mention that she's divorced with kids, but she shouldn't go on whining about her sad, sad life, ranting about how much of an ####### he is, or sit there and compare how the new guy is compared to him.

Personally, on the first date with my pet, I laid everything on the table that would drive most people away. I also asked questions about potential pit-falls, and if there was anything about her that would drive others away. I usually concern myself more with the screening process than making a good impression. Why waste several months to figure out that the guy is a complete lunatic, with a cocaine habit, prison record and 15 ex-wives; when you can get a decent picture in 15 mins? Or why waste several months to figure out that she doesn't have enough patience or empathy to deal with his bi-polar disorder, stubbornness and sadistic personality? :whistle:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
I'd walk out.
But, see, wouldn't you appreciate the guy just coming out with his true self so you can make a decision right away and not waste a lot of time with him?

Man, I think of all the time I wasted on guys who weren't worth two plugged nickels because I was so busy being polite and trying to make a good impression. :doh: