First Date

Is this persons actions

  • rational & normal

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • rational & normal but a bit inconsiderate

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Self centered & immature

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Self centered ,immature & inconsiderate

    Votes: 87 68.5%
  • Or should I say I'm sorry for not being a real man !

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Gumbo your a Tard

    Votes: 27 21.3%

  • Total voters


morganj614 said:
I'd say you were very lucky that it was called off. Sounds like a big age difference and dating maturity level that would not have worked out in the long run. :love:
If I have a date at night, I don't go get drunk with friends, I go on the date and if it was bad, then I would go get drunk with my friends:martini:
Oh I had long ago realized this :love: , But today kitty showed claws and little bitty fangs,, oh it was so cute :huggy:
But I can't have kitty swatting at the boys :lmao:


Call 411-BUZZ
gumbo said:
If you had a date with someone , a first date.
And you made all the arrangements

Earlier in the day this person tells you that they are gonna go out with a few friends for awhile and meet you at 6.
At 6:10 you get a phone call and this person tells you that they are drunk and the friends that they went with , took their keys, so they can't make it.
After this you never hear from them , not one single I'm sorry for ruining your night.

Then much latter to justify their actions ,,says you should have been a real man and come got me .
Then states (quote ) I have had much much better men come get me when I'm drunk.. :confused: .on a first date

Does she have tattoos? :lmao:


gumbo said:
I was highly offended by that remark, Me ! MR manly man himself :roflmao:
Oh the:drama:

:lol: OR you could have picked up the drunk chic and skipped to the bang bang bang. :flowers:


K_Jo said:
If you're asking what this means, it means she's immature, selfish, and not worth your time.

Oh, and a b****.
That was my exact thoughts , But I'm a male chauvinist pig that don't like yellow cars or Dragons that ruin perfectly good breast, or in Smib breastes :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Gumbo your a tard"

You already know the answer - why are you asking us, unless you just like it when we point and laugh?
If a man was to do the same thing...girlfriend woulda been piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed! He'd be 50 different kinds of azzholes!


sweetpea said:
If a man was to do the same thing...girlfriend woulda been piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed! He'd be 50 different kinds of azzholes!

:high5: :lol:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
"Gumbo your a tard"

You already know the answer - why are you asking us, unless you just like it when we point and laugh?

You've already had clean ups on aisles 5, 6 and 7..get ready for more.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
sweetpea said:
If a man was to do the same thing...girlfriend woulda been piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed! He'd be 50 different kinds of azzholes!
You are so right, now that I think about it. My friend's little sister turned a guy's car into a hot fugde sundae for such an offense. :lol:

With sprinkles!!! :jet:


K_Jo said:
You are so right, now that I think about it. My friend's little sister turned a guy's car into a hot fugde sundae for such an offense. :lol:

With sprinkles!!! :jet:
my uncle's daughters best friend is a little party crashin ho.