First fall...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...our 17 year old just started riding a couple months ago and she loves it, goes a couple times a week. She fell today for the first time. Landed flat on her back. Says it was a small pony, no harm.

I'm so proud of her! :lol:


Ahhhh Florida!
...our 17 year old just started riding a couple months ago and she loves it, goes a couple times a week. She fell today for the first time. Landed flat on her back. Says it was a small pony, no harm.

I'm so proud of her! :lol:

I fell off on Friday. I hardly could walk that night. With ice and Motrin by morning I decided to show! She will have many falls and hopefully she will always be eager and willing to get back on. Some of us horse peeps have a screw or two loose, but we like it that way.:1bdz: I am glad she wasn't hurt.:drummer:


Persimmon Creek Farm
...our 17 year old just started riding a couple months ago and she loves it, goes a couple times a week. She fell today for the first time. Landed flat on her back. Says it was a small pony, no harm.

I'm so proud of her! :lol:
Whats the saying..."what doesnt kill us-makes us stronger":killingme
Glad she didnt get hurt too bad.:buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I fell off on Friday. I hardly could walk that night. With ice and Motrin by morning I decided to show! She will have many falls and hopefully she will always be eager and willing to get back on. Some of us horse peeps have a screw or two loose, but we like it that way.:1bdz: I am glad she wasn't hurt.:drummer:

I have to ask you a kinda sick question; ain't it kinda invigorating? Girl kinda has a buzz going. :yahoo:

When I wrecked the four wheeler, I was high for days. Right now, well, I came off the dirt bike awhile ago and I am hurt and I feel like a million bucks. Every time I got thrown from a horse, it was just shear terror. :lol:

How about, horsie people?


Ahhhh Florida!
I have to ask you a kinda sick question; ain't it kinda invigorating? Girl kinda has a buzz going. :yahoo:

When I wrecked the four wheeler, I was high for days. Right now, well, I came off the dirt bike awhile ago and I am hurt and I feel like a million bucks. Every time I got thrown from a horse, it was just shear terror. :lol:

How about, horsie people?

Hmmmm, I was actually thinking the other day that I am getting too old to fall. When I fall it hurts a lot more than it used to and I have a whole lot more to lose (or my kids do anyway). I probably have stronger legs than I ever have before but I have considered letting the younger ballsy ones like devine ride the baby horses and I will take the ones that just need polishing. I haven't done that but it has been on my mind lately.:whistle:


Get some!
Sadie remember the first time I fell?? Velvet stepped on me and fractured the top of my foot?? I got back up and finished the lesson. Did not even realize till later at the hospital. But, now, really, I try to avoid hitting the dirt. It hurts! Sometimes, its a long way down!!


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Hmmmm, I was actually thinking the other day that I am getting too old to fall. When I fall it hurts a lot more than it used to and I have a whole lot more to lose (or my kids do anyway). I probably have stronger legs than I ever have before but I have considered letting the younger ballsy ones like devine ride the baby horses and I will take the ones that just need polishing. I haven't done that but it has been on my mind lately.:whistle:

Me too! I used to bounce right back up mad as hell, now caution is my watchword. At the advanced age of 42 I finally bought a helmet even. I took a good fall off my jerky buckskin on Saturday when he was acting crazy from the high winds. Thank heavens we were in the arena on the side with deep sand, it rang my bell a bit and left me shaken but I was able to get up and remount. Suddenly 16 hands looks a lot higher up than it used to...


New Member
Hmmmm, I was actually thinking the other day that I am getting too old to fall. When I fall it hurts a lot more than it used to and I have a whole lot more to lose (or my kids do anyway). I probably have stronger legs than I ever have before but I have considered letting the younger ballsy ones like devine ride the baby horses and I will take the ones that just need polishing. I haven't done that but it has been on my mind lately.:whistle:

It does hurt alot more than it did and I'm more aware of the possibility of falling.
I used to bounce when I fell off,( a million years ago) now I go SPLAT.


Horse Poor
when your younger your also braver and don't think about getting hurt. Now that I'm older and have many pains from my younger years of horses. I still climb up and enjoy every moment. Now last year I got body slammed to the ground but after a few choice words and getting my old arse up off the ground, saying a few more choice words then I slowly get back on my horse and enjoy the rest of the day. I will ride til the day I can't climb up on one, then I will get a mini and drive....:drummer:


New Member
hmmm falling off. can't say i get high from it. but it does happen occasionally. usually i'm too mad to notice if anything hurts and i'm on the ground as short a time as possible before i get back on that horse and show him what for....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
hmmm falling off. can't say i get high from it. but it does happen occasionally. usually i'm too mad to notice if anything hurts and i'm on the ground as short a time as possible before i get back on that horse and show him what for....

That's what I do; blame it on the motorcycle! :lol:


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Last time I came off was a year ago. Taking a Green Bean over a jump and she stopped on a dime about two strides after the fence. As I'm flying over her head I'm thinking what I did that let her get away with it so I don't come flying off again. Also, I'm hoping it doesn't hurt when I land so I can get back on to making her go over the jump again. Adrenaline is a powerful thing and I've climbed back up to ride when maybe I shouldn't have, but all I kept thinking is I can't let the horse (or pony) get away with this. It just can't end on a bad note and the animal learn a dirty trick.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
...our 17 year old just started riding a couple months ago and she loves it, goes a couple times a week. She fell today for the first time. Landed flat on her back. Says it was a small pony, no harm.

I'm so proud of her! :lol:

Does this mean you are going to be a regular in the horsie threads!!:buddies:

Glad to hear the fall didn't shake her up!:dye:


Rocky Mountain High!!
when your younger your also braver and don't think about getting hurt. Now that I'm older and have many pains from my younger years of horses. I still climb up and enjoy every moment. Now last year I got body slammed to the ground but after a few choice words and getting my old arse up off the ground, saying a few more choice words then I slowly get back on my horse and enjoy the rest of the day. I will ride til the day I can't climb up on one, then I will get a mini and drive....:drummer:
Remember what I did when i fell off (with an audience!!) Ming??

I :bawl: AFTER I got back on and went to the end of the line so nobody would see me do it. :lol:

GAWD that hurt. WHUMP ....took me quite a while to be able to breathe again-and wouldn't have been able too had you not put my arms above my head!!! I still have that deer skull sitting proudly in my living room as a reminder. :biggrin:

It's not IF you'll fall, Larry, it's WHEN. If you ride enough, you will come unseated. That's just the way it is. So you don't complain, you train your mount or yourself. She'll be fine.

My little one bears the scars from when she zigged off her horse into a coil of barbed wire, and she's super-dooper proud of that barb-wire scar on her upper arm!! :dead: all the blood...and MGH tried to hide it from me when i caught up to them on the trail. :lol:

We all have those stories to share.


Podunk FL
Yeah I have had a few falls that make my body hurt for a week.

The thermacare heat patches are a blessing and help with the pain. Also the liminment that I put on my horse helps.

I really try not to take face-plants but it does happen. I injure myself more off the horse, than on the horse.


New Member
I don't get a high from falling either. I might have when I was younger, but don't now that I'm older with kids. After trying to take care of an infant while on crutches due to a horse fall, I'm all too aware of what it would mean if I come off, and got hurt (and hubby reminds me each time I ride!).
I too am usually mad when it happens. That 'how dare you act stupid and almost kill me' feeling and definitely give the horse a "what for."