First Hangun ...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Magnum said:
Heck thats not counting whatever my roomate has in his room also :lmao:

...this is what I do NOT get about anti second amendment folks; They DON'T have to have a single weapon. Not one. But if we're ALLOWED to, if we have the choice, then THEY are protected to some extent, with not a single gun, because I may well have one, you may well have one, the bad guys just don't know. With bans, the bad guy has a higher degree of certainty. It's like the choice between robbing a vault or a cash register; what is easier?

Hell, I'm not even a crook and the thought of what you have to defend your HOME with made me think 'man, breaking and entering has got to be a bad career choice!'.


Should be Huntin
Larry Gude said:
...this is what I do NOT get about anti second amendment folks; They DON'T have to have a single weapon. Not one. But if we're ALLOWED to, if we have the choice, then THEY are protected to some extent, with not a single gun, because I may well have one, you may well have one, the bad guys just don't know. With bans, the bad guy has a higher degree of certainty. It's like the choice between robbing a vault or a cash register; what is easier?

Hell, I'm not even a crook and the thought of what you have to defend your HOME with made me think 'man, breaking and entering has got to be a bad career choice!'.
Well I have more guns that that, those are just the loaded ones. I used to do alot of hunting when I was younger So I have a 20 ga that my Dad gave me, that will never go anywhere for that reason. I have 3 12 ga, 2 muzzle loaders, bow, 22's Most of what I have was just me buying upgrades to hunt with.

I was always told never pull out a gun unless you intend to use it. I would much rather find a burgler sneaking around in my house and let me get my hands on him, Shooting someone will just cause trouble, even if you are in your house and are defending yourself you will still have to defend your actions. Hopefully I never have to deal with that, or any of us for that matter.

A few weeks ago my Aunts house was broken in to, her BF is a retired state cop. They were out of town. Only a few small items were taken, me and a few cousins wound up taking turns watching the house till they got home. Staying inside to wait and see if someone came back. It can happen anywhere anytime.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Uh oh...

AK-74me said:
Here is the main page from the orginal six tests he did, after clicking on the shotgun one click "next page" to see more.

Racking a shotgun will not make the bad guy faint.

Good news;

Birdshot penetrated through two pieces of drywall (representing one wall) and was stopped in the paper on the front of the second wall.

Bad news;

a guy shot at close range with a load of 12 gauge birdshot, and was not even knocked down. He was still walking around when the EMTs got there. It was an ugly, shallow wound, but did not STOP the guy. And that is what we want... to STOP the bad guy from whatever he is doing. To do this, you must have a load that will reach the vitals of the bad guy. Birdshot will not do this.


Unless you expect to be attacked by little birds, do not use birdshot. Use 00 Buck. It will do the job.

Hmm...back to that 16" turret... :lmao:
Magnum said:
I keep 2 shotguns loaded. One next to my bed the other on the other side of the house.... You never know when or where your going to need a gun :lmao: I keep a clip of HP in my .45 but that would be the last stand gun. The shotgun beside my bed has a folding stock, heat shield, short barrel, and a tactical light on the side of it. :yay:
I always have a debate with myself about the tactical light. On the one hand you can see where you are aiming, but on the other it lets the bad guy know exactly where to aim.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

desertrat said:
I always have a debate with myself about the tactical light. On the one hand you can see where you are aiming, but on the other it lets the bad guy know exactly where to aim.

...and after the first shot neither of you will be able to see or hear!


Good guy; "Time out! I can't see"

Bad guy; "What?"



No Longer the Kid
Not sure if anyone else gave you this recommendation for a place to buy a gun from, but Southern Maryland Firearms (Bennett's place) on St. Andrews Chruch Road is very very decent priced. I bought a S&W .45 from hime, model 4506. Very nice pistol, it was used (police issued, the officer who carried it was a desk jockey and only shot it to re-qual, "supposibly" less than 80 rounds fired through it, and some were shot by Mr. Bennett)

But I recommend him, he doesn't keep much of anything in stock anymore because he had some hood rats break into his place a few times and steal things, but he can get you anything for a good price :yay:


Should be Huntin
desertrat said:
I always have a debate with myself about the tactical light. On the one hand you can see where you are aiming, but on the other it lets the bad guy know exactly where to aim.
Yeah I actually bought the gun like that. I love the folding stock, makes it easy to whip around corners


"Typical White Person"
desertrat said:
I always have a debate with myself about the tactical light. On the one hand you can see where you are aiming, but on the other it lets the bad guy know exactly where to aim.

They are good on two accounts. First being that if you did actually have to use deadly force in your home you want ot be damn sure you ID'd the right person and not your 12 yr old kid that got up to see what the comotion was all about. Also if you shoot and kill the bad guy and you are on trial it will only help your cause in reinforcing that you ID'd your target and what if anything they were armed with.

Also a good light will blind the bad guy and make taking an aim shot much harder on the other side of the coin is if they see the light coming they can hide out and then ambush you.

I think the good out weighs the bad in most instances.


I bowl overhand
Dutch6 said:
The .22 is one of the most dangerous rounds made. It's small and very fast. This being the case, when fired you never know where it will stop/end up. .45 is slow and has more stopping power. I would not want a .22 for home protection. Now if I have a hitman business that would be a different story.
Hitmen like the .22 because it is near impossible to trace a .22 round, or do the ballistics testing.. there are just TOO many .22 weapons, and the round is too small, and tends destroy itself upon impact to get any valuable information from..

They also like to use them to kill cows at the processing plant.. Cheap and quick way to kill a cow..
AK-74me said:
They are good on two accounts. First being that if you did actually have to use deadly force in your home you want ot be damn sure you ID'd the right person and not your 12 yr old kid that got up to see what the comotion was all about. Also if you shoot and kill the bad guy and you are on trial it will only help your cause in reinforcing that you ID'd your target and what if anything they were armed with.

Also a good light will blind the bad guy and make taking an aim shot much harder on the other side of the coin is if they see the light coming they can hide out and then ambush you.

I think the good out weighs the bad in most instances.
Good points. I keep low level lights on down stairs and no light in the upstairs where the bedrooms are. Again, I debate this idea since any intruders could see where they are going with out a light of their own until they tried to come upstairs. On the other hand I could be standing at the top of the stairs, just my head and gun muzzle exposed, in total darkness while they would be easily visible.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...the old caliber battle.

If it's just home defense, in my home, 3 am, I want a pump shotgun. I don't have to aim much, I'll scare most off when I load a shell and,

Not so! What's your shot pattern at 15 feet? I doubt its the size of your fist. A shottie is an excellent home defense weapon, some say the best, but you have to AIM it to hit your target. I also wouldn't count on scaring the scum with racking a round into the chamber; too many crackhead meltdowns out there, or they may not recognize the sound.
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New Member
Larry Gude said:
...and after the first shot neither of you will be able to see or hear!


Good guy; "Time out! I can't see"

Bad guy; "What?"

Excellent point, which is why my 686 is stoked with .38+P JHPs, the flash and thunder of a full blown .357 in a darkened room is NOT something I want to experience. Probably set the drapes on fire, too.
Ed :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

edinsomd said:
Not so! What's your shot pattern at 15 feet? I doubt its the size of your fist. A shottie is an excellent home defense weapon, some say the best, but you have to AIM it to hit your target. I also wouldn't count on scaring the scum with racking a round into the chamber; too many crackhead meltdowns out there, or they may not regocnize the sound.

...we covered that a few posts back, #26.

Maybe I'll just leave one in the pipe and rely on the impact scaring him?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Couldn't take it anymore...

..boys. Had to slip out and shoot up a box with my Springer.

3 out of 10 at 50 yards on a 6 by 6 plate, 1 out 5 off hand. Unsupported. Who is in awe?



Larry Gude said:
..boys. Had to slip out and shoot up a box with my Springer.

3 out of 10 at 50 yards on a 6 by 6 plate, 1 out 5 off hand. Unsupported. Who is in awe?
