First Hangun ...


New Member
"Maybe I'll just leave one in the pipe and rely on the impact scaring him?"
Thats what I do with my shottie, gives me five 00 rounds with eight .32 caliber pellets each. Safety on, please.

"...we covered that a few posts back, #26."
Sorry, didn't look ahead. The shot pattern point is valid, though.


Think the sound of a chainsaw starting up would scare away the average home invader?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

edinsomd said:
" The shot pattern point is valid, though.

...that was in there to from th link posted. Still, in the middle of the night, would you rather point a pistol and project a finger or point a shotgun and project a fist?



"Typical White Person"
Larry Gude said:
...that was in there to from th link posted. Still, in the middle of the night, would you rather point a pistol and project a finger or point a shotgun and project a fist?

There is a time in place for both, yeah if I know I am going to probably have to shoot someone I'll take the long gun, but the good thing about a pistol is that if there is a bump in the night or a knock on the door at 2am you can go investigate without walking up to your front door at the high ready.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

AK-74me said:
There is a time in place for both, yeah if I know I am going to probably have to shoot someone I'll take the long gun, but the good thing about a pistol is that if there is a bump in the night or a knock on the door at 2am you can go investigate without walking up to your front door at the high ready.

...there too. Plus, I can't get the nightstand drawer closed with the Wingmaster hanging out.
Larry Gude said:
...and after the first shot neither of you will be able to see or hear!


Good guy; "Time out! I can't see"

Bad guy; "What?"

I always figured I would close one eye just as I pulled the trigger. It's also a good trick if you get up in the middle of the night and have to turn the light on somewhere. Close one eye till you extinguish the light.