Ponytail said:
What does that have to do with GM's sales being down another 15%?? Ford and DC are both down as well, but by only half as much, if that.
UAW, pay, retirement...all have nothing to do with sales. To pay the bills, you must be able to move your product. If you don't design a product that the consumer wants, you're not going to sell it.
Competition, Competition, Competition.
Chevy, Dodge & Ford have never had competition in the large Truck dept.or in the large SUV dept.
So I guess sales are down.
As to your UAW pay, retirement question.
Let say you make $1000 a car but after you pay all the UAW retirements and over paid labor, it leaves you with $10 a car.
Guess what ? Your going to start charging more money then they are worth and your going to start cutting corners ,trying to keep your head above water.
The result being ..You will get a bad name.
Then your competitor with their lower cost of operation starts kicking off in your azz.
And to top it off they get to ask for more money than the over priced corner cutting company.
All because they can afford better quality control over the companies that are being dragged under by the UAW retirements and over paid labor.
Result ....LOW SALES!