We put down Dura Ceramic a little over a year ago and we really love it. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you better read the instructions and follow them to the Teeeeee. This stuff does not go down like regular ceramic or vinyl. After you get the sub floor anchored and leveled you coat it with a clear bonding adhesive that must set up before you put the tiles down. Once you drop the tile in place it is pretty much there. Some of the tiles that were set in place were defective and had to be removed with an industrial strength heat gun, but no additional adhesive had to be applied. The flooring mechanic just dropped the new tile in place and it was set. You can either butt the tiles flush together or leave a space for an acrylic grout. We decided on the grout.
The tile is much warmer on the feet than ceramic tile and is not as likely as ceramic to break things that fall on it. It is much thicker than normal vinyl products and looks very much like ceramic once it is installed. Some of the patterns we looked at looked almost like marble.
I was looking at something like this but it was $8 a square foot, mind saying what you paid for it?