Flynn’s fall should have the intel community in the hot seat


PREMO Member
What's your stance on the WikiLeaks leaks of DNC and Clinton server e-mails?

there is no comparison .... Inside JOB, emails were supplied by a DNC employee or copied from email accounts comprised by illegally accessing computer systems
[Podesta Gmail Account in particular]

but what does this have to do with persons unknown, leaking operational information to a reporter


PREMO Member
You said the following and that's my point; That is crap. They HAVE to if they respect their oath and he did wrong.

who :shrug:

Flynn ?

has been cleared by the FBI ...
... his dealings with Pence - a problem to be handled internally by the administration


Well-Known Member
Of Course the FBI is a Government agency, Now what is it you are seeking for me to say that you can hang me with LMAO.
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Well-Known Member
There is no way that any right thinking American can back elements of the Intelligence Community who are disgruntled that Hillary lost so they go and leak material that is illegal to be published and they run out to the news media and cause all of this BS when they have nothing illegal to report.

All of this BS by some disgruntled Obama=-Hillary leftovers that need to be removed for their illegal actions..
The media should be ashamed of themselves for reporting this crap.


That is ####ing bull####. They take an oath, too. If one of them released info that implicated Obama in treason you'd be among the first to applaud their patriotism. Rightly so if they were correct.

These people MAY be wrong and THEN guilty perhaps of crime, but that's another story, but the principle that they should stand against the president if he's wrong MUST be upheld. They swear an oath, too.

Okay... let's get this straight... These folks are charged with supporting and defending the constitution above all else. If Obama did something treasonous, that would be a violation of our constitution, and I would think the entire intel community would expose this. If there was any integrity in our intel community, that would be the right thing to do.

We're not talking about treason; we're talking about people within our intel agencies having vendettas against specific people within the Trump admin; and taking those people down. That's nothing short of what a coup looks like. There is a huge difference between exposing treason and political assassination.


Is the FBI a govt. agency?

How did you get that the FBI leaked the Clinton email server debacle to Wikileaks? Last I read there were claims that it was leaked from Russia who hacked the server. Assange said his source was not Russian, and has yet to disclose the source.


Well-Known Member
who :shrug:

Flynn ?

has been cleared by the FBI ...
... his dealings with Pence - a problem to be handled internally by the administration

Of Course the FBI is a Government agency, Now what is it you are seeking for me to say that you can hang me with LMAO.

What I'm getting at is the blatant hypocrisy.

Trump, and his voters, LOVED the leaks when it was Clinton's server involved and jumped up and down when Comey didn't agree to charge her with anything.

Now, the right and Trump are losing their collective minds over a leak. Trump claims leaks "are a big problem in Washington" and that "low-life leakers...will be caught".

I know, I know, it's somehow different with Trump, but this shouldn't have been such an unexpected thing considering the leaks that came out during the campaign.

I think the main issue here is being lost in the smoke and mirrors of politics.

The FISA court in America is a secret court with essentially no one to answer to (and a 99.97% compliance rate of surveillance requests). To get a wiretap via the FISA court, all they have to do is show probable cause that the wiretap target is an "agent of foreign power". A majority of Americans supported, and continue to support this because "if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be worried". There's reports that the FBI turned down a request to monitor Trump's aids because they believed they were in talks with Russia and that Russia was "cultivating, supporting, and assisting" Trump during the election. There's reports that this request specifically named Trump and was denied back in June (during the heat of the campaign, no less), but then narrowed a bit, removing Trump's name. This request was approved back in October. They were allegedly looking into a server of Trump's which may have contained information on Russian banks and communication/documents between Trump and Russia, if any.

What we're seeing, if true, is our intelligence community actively spying on American citizens without probable cause of any crime because FISA allows them not to under the guise of Trump and/or his aids communicating with an "agent of foreign power". Think about it, if you're a politician or businessman what are the chances you are talking with a foreign person? Pretty high right? Well, we know the NSA is vacuuming up all the data they can on these conversations and if revealed they are using this data as political fodder, THAT is an huge problem because otherwise innocent American's conversations and data is being stored by the intelligence community often shrouded in secrecy even though they are not the subject of the investigation.

We, as Americans, deserve this. A majority of us truly don't give a #### because we have nothing to hide. If you didn't care then, you shouldn't care now. If you enjoyed and praised the leaks on Clinton, you should be doing the same in this case,
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Well-Known Member
How did you get that the FBI leaked the Clinton email server debacle to Wikileaks? Last I read there were claims that it was leaked from Russia who hacked the server. Assange said his source was not Russian, and has yet to disclose the source.

To be fair, we don't know who leaked what in both cases.


What I'm getting at is the blatant hypocrisy.

Trump, and his voters, LOVED the leaks when it was Clinton's server involved and jumped up and down when Comey didn't agree to charge her with anything.

What/who was the source of the Clinton email server leaks to Wikileaks?


Well-Known Member
who :shrug:

Flynn ?

has been cleared by the FBI ...
... his dealings with Pence - a problem to be handled internally by the administration

the same FBI that cleared Hillary?

Okay... let's get this straight... These folks are charged with supporting and defending the constitution above all else. If Obama did something treasonous, that would be a violation of our constitution, and I would think the entire intel community would expose this. If there was any integrity in our intel community, that would be the right thing to do.

We're not talking about treason; we're talking about people within our intel agencies having vendettas against specific people within the Trump admin; and taking those people down. That's nothing short of what a coup looks like. There is a huge difference between exposing treason and political assassination.

where is the proof that happened?
There is plenty to show that Trump was told about a serious intelligence issue with Flynn and decided to do nothing about it other than have Pence and Spicer go out and lie about it.

BTW, is there any evidence that the leak isn't internal to trump's team? Someone who cant throttle him back with reason so they are doing what they need to to keep him halfway straight..... Remember Prebius was no fan of trumps and he presumably knows everything. I mean if we are spinning tales and all we might as well spin that one.

So again, if there is nothing to it, why did trump fire Flynn?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you two serious? Flynn lied to Pence about having any conversation with the Russians. This has been all over every news outlet.


"Mike, level with me. Did you Super size that happy meal?"

"no, sir. Swear to god."

"CIA said we have the wrapper. You're fired..."

Why in the flying hell would you fire someone for lying about doing something that wasn't bad or wrong?


See my last post.

Who leaked all Flynn's stuff?

It's been reported that it was high level officials within the CIA.

If you're saying it was the FBI that leaked the Clinton thing, where are you getting this? I already answered to that; that it was alleged that Russia leaked it to Wikileaks. Wikileaks has denied this as a source and stated it refuses to disclose who the source was.



"Mike, level with me. Did you Super size that happy meal?"

"no, sir. Swear to god."

"CIA said we have the wrapper. You're fired..."

Why in the flying hell would you fire someone for lying about doing something that wasn't bad or wrong?

You're going to have to ask Flynn why he lied. In any event, that is reason Trump gave for firing him; they lost confidence in him. You either believe him or you don't.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're going to have to ask Flynn why he lied. in any event, that is reason Trump gave for firing him. You either believe him or you don't.

The ONLY thing I care about in this thread is if we all agree that the intel community should not be blindly loyal to the executive.