I just have to say, after all the bashing I've seen the dems take on this board about poor behavior, that I was extremely tempted to take out a republican yesterday. What an azz.
We were at faire and had met a group of people who migrate every year to RF for a reunion, so to speak. Nice bunch of young adults, probably mid to late 20's. FB, being the generous person that he is, goes out to the truck to get cigars for these fine, young folks. So I sit and wait with the group, chatting with one of the fella's.
Typical and true to form for any group gathering, there has to be one azzhole. Out of the blue, this girl walks up to me and asks me who I'm voting for. Trying to avoid a political conversation I tell her that my Captain doesn't allow me to vote. Then she momentarily goes off on this "you have the right to vote" crap...like I don't know this.

Again, she asks me who I'm voting for. I tell her that politics is like religion and sex. Personal, and not good for polite conversation. Based on this answer, she automatically assumes I'm a democrat and lays into me. It got kind of nasty, for I'm not one to take insults lightly, especially from someone I don't know.
Her friends had to literally drag her away. What a

Her friends apologized profusely for her actions and I walked away from the group, but stayed in the same area waiting for FB to return with the cigars. When he got back I told him what happened. A real shame, because he was going to have someone to smoke a stoagie with and shoot the breeze about cigars. He sold them his cigars and we walked away to enjoy the faire. When we came back to the same area later, the same group was there, minus one drunk republican. She ruined both her and her husbands day. He took her home.
I hope she has the hangover from hell today.