Folks, There Could Still Be A Draft!



We had an effed up guy in our bootcamp company... his last name was Lucas. He was always late, always messed up on inspections, couldn't walk, yet alone march, in a straight line. But he did try his best at everything he did, and was a really nice guy. It was like he should have been in special ed or something because he just wasn't very bright.

A lot of the guys wanted him tossed out of the company, but our Company Commander did the opposite. He kept Lucas in and kept tossing more and more responsibilities on him. He put him in charge of different tasks, and made sure he followed through with them. It gave him just enough self confidence to get him though the training and earn the respect of a lot of the guys who didn't like him at first.

It turned out that our CCs were a lot smarter than we thought.


This Space for Rent
I will take a Shiner Bock!!!

We are talking about realistic drafts we will be seeing in the next four years right?


Dancing Up A Storm
FromTexas said:
I will take a Shiner Bock!!!

We are talking about realistic drafts we will be seeing in the next four years right?

Looks like you have foam on the brain; maybe you're not getting a full head...........on your glass!:lol:


This Space for Rent
Penn said:

Looks like you have foam on the brain; maybe you're not getting a full head...........on your glass!:lol:

Oh, I know I am getting good, full head. I am a Republican, and we now know that means I have better sex.


Asperger's Poster Child
Penn said:
All I can say is, if you imagined it, it would seem to me that you have a persecution complex.
Maybe. Frequently in high school, I had guys walk past me and snarl, "F@ggot." These were guys who didn't have any classes with me, and I didn't even know their names. And in my college dorm, it seemed like the guys who gave me the hardest time were guys who I had never met.

And then there was the time in high school when three black girls were walking behind me, and one said, "Shake that a$$, baby!" I turned around and said "Biatch!" and got a reprimand from the assistant principal who was standing right there. What I really wanted to do with those girls was throw them up against the wall and knock their goddamned teeth out.

What was I doing that strangers wanted to give me a hard time?


Dancing Up A Storm
Tonio said:
Maybe. Frequently in high school, I had guys walk past me and snarl, "F@ggot." These were guys who didn't have any classes with me, and I didn't even know their names. And in my college dorm, it seemed like the guys who gave me the hardest time were guys who I had never met.

And then there was the time in high school when three black girls were walking behind me, and one said, "Shake that a$$, baby!" I turned around and said "Biatch!" and got a reprimand from the assistant principal who was standing right there. What I really wanted to do with those girls was throw them up against the wall and knock their goddamned teeth out.

What was I doing that strangers wanted to give me a hard time?
Is it at all possible you misinterpreted their thoughts?

Maybe those ladies wanted you to give them a hard time!:lol:


New Member
It would not be buisness as usual.

Ken King said:
Not me, I think it would hurt more then help the military to force people to serve. Look at all the whinning going on from some of the reservists that have been called up. Makes you wonder why they signed on the dotted line in the first place. Imagine what it would be like if all youngsters had to serve.
The thing is that forced recruits would not be be treated with the same old rules.. the basic training would be more brainwashing like the USMC and there would have to be a change in the fundemental concepts of job assignment and duty rosters.. not to mention dealing with homosexuals :smoochy: and drug addicts and alcoholics :otter:.. so that kind of legislation would require years to implement.
