Football Allegiances


New Member
I'm moving to Southern Maryland this month. Is the area still firmly Redskins, or have the Ravens made any inroads yet?


Active Member
I'm moving to Southern Maryland this month. Is the area still firmly Redskins, or have the Ravens made any inroads yet?

As someone who moved here not that long ago it seems to be 50% Redskins, 30% Ravens, 20% other. That's just my guess though.


New Member
I'll take 30%. I was ecstatic to see Comcast carries Baltimore's CBS in Calvert County. No FOX, but those are home games anyway.


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browns fans over here


I'm moving to Southern Maryland this month. Is the area still firmly Redskins, or have the Ravens made any inroads yet?

HA! I thought it said football allergies.

E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles! Fan here. :boxing:

But really I don't watch it anymore.


I used to love to see them whip them (prettyboys), Cowboy's azz back in the day....:yay:

See this is why I could never dislike a Redskin's, Raven's or Steelers fan because we all have something in common.... We can't stand those pretty boys from Dallas we will crush them! :elaine:


Nothing to see here
I'm moving to Southern Maryland this month. Is the area still firmly Redskins, or have the Ravens made any inroads yet?

Most of the old timers down here(not transplants) were Colts fans back in the day and hated the Skins. Most that I know now took a long time to support the Ravens and definitely(for the most part) didn't switch to the Skins. Tons of Steelers fans here and of course there's the band wagon fans that are now wearing Giants jackets and put their Colts, Steelers and Patriots jackets in the closet.