Football Allegiances


Has confinement issues..
<----60% RAVENS( HOME team, kiddo's namesake ,colors :lol:and did you see them hold it down against the NEW ENGLAND PANTY ROTS last season:yahoo: It should have been the RAVENS win:tantrum: )

39% STEELERS(BF's team, I lost a bet, and I do think they ROCK, "umptene" x Super Bowl Champs!!)

1% REDSKINS(only because I grew up on them, I dug John Riggins and I love Monk's Monks:buttkiss: )


Adding Diversity to SOMD
<------ I'm Originally from S.Carolina and so I have to pull for my Carolina Panthers :yahoo: I've loved them ever since about 1997, when we beat the Cowboys in the Playoffs...

I go to a few Redskins games a year, and when I'm there I'll cheer for the skins.. but my heart is not in it. When I'm at the Games, I have such a good time...but there just not my team..

Now my 5 yr old daughter LOVES the Skins...... When she was born I had Direct TV w/ NFL Sunday ticket, so I use to watch ever Panthers game at my house (now I have to go the sports bar). My daughter would sit right there and watch the Panthers w/ me...We would cheer, and scream at the TV together.. it was such a good time..:yahoo: I'm grooming her to be a sports fan, at that the time a life long Panthers fan.....

Then we had a few turning points, when she jumped ship and became a Skins fan....

Two years ago a group of families got together to watch the skins vs cowboys game. About 6-7 families in all…. There were about 2-3 cowboys fans, and the rest were skins fans.. Everyone had on their skins gear, even the little girls (2-4 yrs old) had on skins cheerleader outfits. I come back from a beer run to find my precious little girl with a redskins foam finger.... Talking about "GO SKINS"...:doh: I knew I had to do something, or I was going to lose my little baby to the Redskins nation............:banghead:

I had to do something............. I wasn't going to let my baby go that easy. A few weeks later I got an invite from some friends who live in Charlotte, they wanted me to fly down and catch a Panthers game.. While the Adults were at the game, the kids stayed home and watched the game on Television...(they have a 17 ur old daughter).. So by the time we left Charlotte, my daughter was a back on the Carolina Side...

That same year Thanksgiving weekend, those same friends drove up for Thanksgiving Dinner Weekend…. And guess who as playing??? Carolina Vs. SKins. Once again, the adults when to the game and the kids stayed at my house and watched...The Skins beat my beloved Panthers and y daughter was devastated, she kept saying "the redskins are cheating"... At that moment I knew everything was going to be alright....... The universe was back in order; my baby was back on my side...

When she went to daycare she had a little boy whose father must have been a Carolina fan also, because he would wear his Carolina jersey to school. And my daughter would tell me, Look "Colby is a Panthers fan too"... But all the other kid in her school are redskins fans.. Her and little Colby were the only ones who were not..Skins fans. I know how peer pressure is, and it had to be hard on her... But she was still with me.. Until...................

My wife (who could care less about sports.) got Dream seats tickets to last years Redskins vs Raven Pre-season game. These seats where front row 20 yrd line. My wife bought the whole family redskins gear. Her and my daughter sore theirs, but I told my wife that I would cheer for them; but "Lets not take this thing too far".......My daughter sat there and watched the Redskins cheer leaders (me too...:drool:) the whole game. (well at least until the rain came and cancelled the game) Now my baby is a die hard skins fan and I haven't been able to bring her back to my side. She loves the skins and I hate to see my little baby go down this road, she will endure a lifetime of heartache……… But hey what I’m I going to do???? It’s really OK, she is still my little baby girl.. Even if she's is a skins fan......


Football addict
Funny thing...

Went down to the Outer Banks and there were Skins fans everywhere. Apparently they own the town according to local sports radio hosts.


Active Member
<------ I'm Originally from S.Carolina and so I have to pull for my Carolina Panthers :yahoo: I've loved them ever since about 1997, when we beat the Cowboys in the Playoffs...

I go to a few Redskins games a year, and when I'm there I'll cheer for the skins.. but my heart is not in it. When I'm at the Games, I have such a good time...but there just not my team..

Now my 5 yr old daughter LOVES the Skins...... When she was born I had Direct TV w/ NFL Sunday ticket, so I use to watch ever Panthers game at my house (now I have to go the sports bar). My daughter would sit right there and watch the Panthers w/ me...We would cheer, and scream at the TV together.. it was such a good time..:yahoo: I'm grooming her to be a sports fan, at that the time a life long Panthers fan.....

Then we had a few turning points, when she jumped ship and became a Skins fan....

Two years ago a group of families got together to watch the skins vs cowboys game. About 6-7 families in all…. There were about 2-3 cowboys fans, and the rest were skins fans.. Everyone had on their skins gear, even the little girls (2-4 yrs old) had on skins cheerleader outfits. I come back from a beer run to find my precious little girl with a redskins foam finger.... Talking about "GO SKINS"...:doh: I knew I had to do something, or I was going to lose my little baby to the Redskins nation............:banghead:

I had to do something............. I wasn't going to let my baby go that easy. A few weeks later I got an invite from some friends who live in Charlotte, they wanted me to fly down and catch a Panthers game.. While the Adults were at the game, the kids stayed home and watched the game on Television...(they have a 17 ur old daughter).. So by the time we left Charlotte, my daughter was a back on the Carolina Side...

That same year Thanksgiving weekend, those same friends drove up for Thanksgiving Dinner Weekend…. And guess who as playing??? Carolina Vs. SKins. Once again, the adults when to the game and the kids stayed at my house and watched...The Skins beat my beloved Panthers and y daughter was devastated, she kept saying "the redskins are cheating"... At that moment I knew everything was going to be alright....... The universe was back in order; my baby was back on my side...

When she went to daycare she had a little boy whose father must have been a Carolina fan also, because he would wear his Carolina jersey to school. And my daughter would tell me, Look "Colby is a Panthers fan too"... But all the other kid in her school are redskins fans.. Her and little Colby were the only ones who were not..Skins fans. I know how peer pressure is, and it had to be hard on her... But she was still with me.. Until...................

My wife (who could care less about sports.) got Dream seats tickets to last years Redskins vs Raven Pre-season game. These seats where front row 20 yrd line. My wife bought the whole family redskins gear. Her and my daughter sore theirs, but I told my wife that I would cheer for them; but "Lets not take this thing too far".......My daughter sat there and watched the Redskins cheer leaders (me too...:drool:) the whole game. (well at least until the rain came and cancelled the game) Now my baby is a die hard skins fan and I haven't been able to bring her back to my side. She loves the skins and I hate to see my little baby go down this road, she will endure a lifetime of heartache……… But hey what I’m I going to do???? It’s really OK, she is still my little baby girl.. Even if she's is a skins fan......

This sounds like my husband!! Except our little ones are still very little. He is doing all he can to 'brainwash--you have to be to be a Phinfan now' them as Dolphin fans. I think he would be ok with Skins or Raven but he would keel over and die if they were ever Jet's fans.


New Member
You know how the saying goes around here:

I cheer for two football teams- the Redskins and whomever is playing Dallas. :lmao:


A lot of people have given up on the Skins by now (Not saying I have!! :smile:) and have gone on to other teams, but generally Southern Marylanders tend to still have a soft spot for them no matter what.
That, or they hate them and have become Dallas fans :pete:

Colts all the way though, and Skins right behind!


New Member
<------ I'm Originally from S.Carolina and so I have to pull for my Carolina Panthers :yahoo: I've loved them ever since about 1997, when we beat the Cowboys in the Playoffs...

I go to a few Redskins games a year, and when I'm there I'll cheer for the skins.. but my heart is not in it. When I'm at the Games, I have such a good time...but there just not my team..

Now my 5 yr old daughter LOVES the Skins...... When she was born I had Direct TV w/ NFL Sunday ticket, so I use to watch ever Panthers game at my house (now I have to go the sports bar). My daughter would sit right there and watch the Panthers w/ me...We would cheer, and scream at the TV together.. it was such a good time..:yahoo: I'm grooming her to be a sports fan, at that the time a life long Panthers fan.....

Then we had a few turning points, when she jumped ship and became a Skins fan....

Two years ago a group of families got together to watch the skins vs cowboys game. About 6-7 families in all…. There were about 2-3 cowboys fans, and the rest were skins fans.. Everyone had on their skins gear, even the little girls (2-4 yrs old) had on skins cheerleader outfits. I come back from a beer run to find my precious little girl with a redskins foam finger.... Talking about "GO SKINS"...:doh: I knew I had to do something, or I was going to lose my little baby to the Redskins nation............:banghead:

I had to do something............. I wasn't going to let my baby go that easy. A few weeks later I got an invite from some friends who live in Charlotte, they wanted me to fly down and catch a Panthers game.. While the Adults were at the game, the kids stayed home and watched the game on Television...(they have a 17 ur old daughter).. So by the time we left Charlotte, my daughter was a back on the Carolina Side...

That same year Thanksgiving weekend, those same friends drove up for Thanksgiving Dinner Weekend…. And guess who as playing??? Carolina Vs. SKins. Once again, the adults when to the game and the kids stayed at my house and watched...The Skins beat my beloved Panthers and y daughter was devastated, she kept saying "the redskins are cheating"... At that moment I knew everything was going to be alright....... The universe was back in order; my baby was back on my side...

When she went to daycare she had a little boy whose father must have been a Carolina fan also, because he would wear his Carolina jersey to school. And my daughter would tell me, Look "Colby is a Panthers fan too"... But all the other kid in her school are redskins fans.. Her and little Colby were the only ones who were not..Skins fans. I know how peer pressure is, and it had to be hard on her... But she was still with me.. Until...................

My wife (who could care less about sports.) got Dream seats tickets to last years Redskins vs Raven Pre-season game. These seats where front row 20 yrd line. My wife bought the whole family redskins gear. Her and my daughter sore theirs, but I told my wife that I would cheer for them; but "Lets not take this thing too far".......My daughter sat there and watched the Redskins cheer leaders (me too...:drool:) the whole game. (well at least until the rain came and cancelled the game) Now my baby is a die hard skins fan and I haven't been able to bring her back to my side. She loves the skins and I hate to see my little baby go down this road, she will endure a lifetime of heartache……… But hey what I’m I going to do???? It’s really OK, she is still my little baby girl.. Even if she's is a skins fan......

So your first major parenting test, keeping your innocent five-year-old daughter out of Skins land, was a failure. I hope you figure out how to raise a child before she starts taking interest in boys. I'm ashamed.


Active Member
So your first major parenting test, keeping your innocent five-year-old daughter out of Skins land, was a failure. I hope you figure out how to raise a child before she starts taking interest in boys. I'm ashamed.


Not necessarily true however. I was raised here in MD and my dad raised me to HATE the deadskins even though I was never a big football fan until more recently.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing...

Went down to the Outer Banks and there were Skins fans everywhere. Apparently they own the town according to local sports radio hosts.

Before the Carolina Panthers came into the league, Southern Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina were all considered Redskin Country. There still is at least one radio station in North Carolina that carries Redskin games, that I picked on the radio last year on my way to Myrtle Beach.



New Member
Giants fan!!

Been a fan for ever. Grew up in Upstate N.Y.

Played football in Highschool and wore #53 for Harry Carson. Had posters of Mark Bavaro, Phil Simms and Harry Carson plastered all over my room when I was a kid.