Football Pool - 2010/11 Wildcard Round

For those who have posted your picks, here's something else to think about.

Your opponent is not everyone, just the one you're playing against this week. If that person can see your picks, then they can change theirs. If all they have to do to advance is beat you this week, they can make their chances best by taking advantage of what you picked against what they picked.

But one other thing to consider is this: Changes can also be made by anyone right up until kick-off tomorrow either by posting or pm'ing them to me (in my and Merlin99's case, it would be to softballkid). As long as the post/pm time stamp is before kick-off, they're valid. So what you see posted now may NOT be what is posted after kick-off tomorrow. That makes it interesting. :whistle:

Those are good points, but I doubt anyone here would go to the trouble of trying to game the system, for lack of a better description, or is too worried that others would. If we were playing for a thousand bucks, then sure - I might try to take advantage of whatever (legal) angles were available. But, we're just playing for fun and bragging rights. I suspect most peope here would rather lose than win by intentionally manipulating their picks relative to their opponents to squeeze out an edge.

That said, here are my picks, since it looks like most others posted their picks here. I don't want to have any advantages that retiredweaxman doesn't have. :lol:

G1: Saints (1), Over (4)
G2: Colts (6), Over (2)
G3: Ravens (8), Over (3)
G4: Eagles (5), Over (7)


Supper's Ready
Those are good points, but I doubt anyone here would go to the trouble of trying to game the system, for lack of a better description, or is too worried that others would. If we were playing for a thousand bucks, then sure - I might try to take advantage of whatever (legal) angles were available. But, we're just playing for fun and bragging rights. I suspect most peope here would rather lose than win by intentionally manipulating their picks relative to their opponents to squeeze out an edge.

That said, here are my picks, since it looks like most others posted their picks here. I don't want to have any advantages that retiredweaxman doesn't have. :lol:

G1: Saints (1), Over (4)
G2: Colts (6), Over (2)
G3: Ravens (8), Over (3)
G4: Eagles (5), Over (7)
You're right, no pm's or changes this afternoon. :lol:

Well, kick-off has happened so we're all locked in. Here are everyone's picks. Good luck, all. :buddies:

2010 11 Wildcard round picks.jpg


Supper's Ready
Well, they're still "under" by .5 at the half.


That'll play well for Tilted, retiredweaxman, and SOMDRAVEN. Nice (and surprising) playing by the Seahawks so far. :yay:


Well, they're still "under" by .5 at the half.


That'll play well for Tilted, retiredweaxman, and SOMDRAVEN. Nice (and surprising) playing by the Seahawks so far. :yay:

I really thought the Seahawks would play good enough to not get blown out...but I didn't think either team was going to go crazy on


Supper's Ready
I really thought the Seahawks would play good enough to not get blown out...but I didn't think either team was going to go crazy on
Same here. One thing I like is that they were down twice by ten but stayed in there. :yay:


Supper's Ready
The Southern Maryland Online graphic was as nice touch ! :yay:

Thanks. Yeah, I liked that in there as well. :buddies:

Momentum sure seems to belong to the Seahawks. For our pool, Saints will have a lot to overcome to get ahead by 11.


Where the Hell was this Sea Chicken offense all year??? Carlsson has 1 TD catch all year and he has 2 today. Hasselbeck had not thrown 3 TDs in a game all year and he had 4 in the 1st half...

Or what about the Aints? Gave up 13 TD passes all year and had 4 thrown against them in the 1st half...

Brees better get his feces in one sock in the 2nd half to try and make up for the defensive lapses. Otherwise, my 8 point pick is toast!!!


Supper's Ready
I'm not used to watching the Seahawks play, being a Giants fan. These guys are actually holding onto the ball.



Supper's Ready
Where the Hell was this Sea Chicken offense all year??? Carlsson has 1 TD catch all year and he has 2 today. Hasselbeck had not thrown 3 TDs in a game all year and he had 4 in the 1st half...

Or what about the Aints? Gave up 13 TD passes all year and had 4 thrown against them in the 1st half...

Brees better get his feces in one sock in the 2nd half to try and make up for the defensive lapses. Otherwise, my 8 point pick is toast!!!

I know you put your two highest points into this game. But at least you'll have your over.


I know you put your two highest points into this game. But at least you'll have your over.

Assuming I miss the 8 pointer (NO down by 7 right now in the 4th but driving), my hopes of taking down TILTED lay in him missing his 7 pointer (Eagles over) and/or missing his 6 pointer (Colts). If he hits those 2 picks, I believe I am sunk.


Supper's Ready
Scorecard update after Game 1:

thurley42: 4

Tilted: 4
retiredweaxman: 7

FireBrand: 1

puggymom: 8

donbarzini: 0

Wildcat97: 0
clevalley: 0

homedepot20: 0

Merlin99: 2
Rael; 1
