Football Pool 2010-2011 Sign Up


Supper's Ready
You can add me...I did it two years ago.:patriot:
:cool: Glad you're back in. :yay:
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What the Hey - if you can stand another newbie - count me in...


Supper's Ready
What the Hey - if you can stand another newbie - count me in...
Newbies are welcome, just every-week reliable ones (and that's the difficult thing for me to gauge).

Welcome, and have fun. :yay:
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Active Member
If you need people I can probably convince my husband to join. He does not need to join but if you need people for slots or to make the numbers even or whatever I know he would be reliable for picks.

Just let me know.


Supper's Ready
If you need people I can probably convince my husband to join. He does not need to join but if you need people for slots or to make the numbers even or whatever I know he would be reliable for picks.

Just let me know.
Thanks, puggymom. Don't need anyone to feel like they have to be here, just those who want to be here. Even if it's only four or five. :lol:
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Active Member
Thanks, puggymom. Don't need anyone to feel like they have to be here, just those who want to be here. Even if it's only four or five. :lol:
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Oh I did not mean it like that. He is a football fanatic so he would enjoy it. I just meant that if you needed an extra he would do it but he would not have his feelings hurt if you did not need him.


Supper's Ready
Oh I did not mean it like that. He is a football fanatic so he would enjoy it. I just meant that if you needed an extra he would do it but he would not have his feelings hurt if you did not need him.
Then he's more than welcome. :huggy:

Wait a he a dolphins fan, too? :biggrin:
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Newbies are welcome, just every-week reliable ones (and that's the difficult thing for me to gauge).

Welcome, and have fun. :yay:
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You can count on me to give you my picks each week...