Just want to ‘splain a little up front on how I organized the divisions. We’ve got four divisions of six players in each so far. First it was by how players ranked last year (Super Bowl, Championship Round, Divisional, Wildcard, regular season points, then fivers), then alphavertically (<--- new wurd) for those who didn’t play last year. Then I assigned by rank in N/S/E/W order into this year’s divisions. If there are any new folks who sign up between now and kick-off of game 1, I’ll add them in the same order to the divisions:
1. retiredweaxman SB winner 45 pts North
2. Rael SB 29 pts South
3. puggymom CR 45 pts East
4. clevalley CR 44 pts West
5. FireBrand DR 20 pts North
6. thurley42 DR 15 pts South
7. donbarzini DR 14 pts East
8. homedepot20 DR 10 pts West
9. SOMDRAVEN WR 20 pts North
10. Wildcat97 WR 13 pts South
11. Tilted WR 12 pts East
12. Merlin99 WR 8 pts West
13. Chasey Lane 157 pts, 10 fivers North
14. kom526 157 pts, 7 fivers South
15. OldHillcrestGuy 157, 7 fivers East
16. BuddyLee 153 pts, 8 fivers West
17. DoWhat 157 pts, 8 fivers North
18. Bay Kat 150 pts, 9 fivers South
19. DipStick 150 pts, 8 fivers East
20. Softballkid 149 pts West
21. 2lazy2P North
22. Baz South
23. LordStanley East
24. SoMDGirl42 West
Now this is mostly for those who haven’t played here yet. The first week you’ll have plenty of time to make your picks, I’ll probably post the line (spread) this coming Saturday (2 days) if they’re timely about publishing the odds. But each week it comes quickly (especially when there is a Thursday game, so please stay tuned in). Remember, more than two late picks for the season is elimination. Also, if I make a mistake in standings or picks, please post it or pm it to me. I want it to be accurate in fairness to all.
Don’t be shy about your questions, post them or pm them to me. Most of all, have fun and good luck!
edit: Oops, forgot to post the skeleton scorecard to show the divisions. Done.