Football Pool - Week 11


Supper's Ready
Beers for kom526 and struggler44 for the Patriots - Colts push. But both did well in raw picks so far to make up for it (kom w/9 and struggler w/8 as we go into the Sunday night game). :buddies:


Well-Known Member
HOT DOG, if my calculations are right Im sitting at 15 points with one game to go.:yahoo::yahoo: Look out BuddyLee Im dropping you to the bottom of our division. :dye:


Can I borrow someone's Life Alert? It seems as though I have fallen down the standings and I can't get up!!!


New Member
Sitting at 15 right now... COME ON BRONCOS!!! DON'T LET ME DOWN!!!!!

I think we'll both just have to be happy with 15. Looking back, I have no idea what I was thinking when I picked the Bronco's other than maybe the spread wouldn't be covered?

GL :buddies:


No Longer the Kid
I think we'll both just have to be happy with 15. Looking back, I have no idea what I was thinking when I picked the Bronco's other than maybe the spread wouldn't be covered?

GL :buddies:

That's what I was going with. I think SD will win, but I think its going to be like a 28-21, or 34-28 type of game...

Or, hope for the best, and the Broncs just win :lol:

Either way, 15 will be the best I think I have EVER done, so, I'll join ya for the drink :cheers:

GL :yay: