Football Pool - Week 15


Supper's Ready
Final scorecard. Please make sure the score I have for you is correct. :buddies:


2010 Week 15 Scorecard Bears.jpg
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Supper's Ready
If I get a perfect score next week, including my 5er, will that help me at all?

Probably not, right?

If the playoffs were today, the lowest score that would get in is 138. With two good weeks left, it's possible.


No Longer the Kid
I'm okay with posting them, too. But even when someone pm's them, I make the change to the picks document also, which is out here for everyone to see as an attachment. I've found most of the time there are sound reasons why folks pm their changes and picks.

When it gets to be time for the playoffs in a few weeks, pm'ing them becomes better for everyone since there are fewer competitors and gamesmanship against competitors becomes more important. If I'm so fortunate to make the playoffs (so far that prospect looks good), I may need someone to be a picks collector to maintain impartiality in making my own picks! :biggrin:

With my luck, I won't make the cut, I can help you out if need be :yay: