Football Pool - Week 17


This. ------------------>
Glad to hear that you're still in. :yay: Sometimes it's difficult to tell what everyone is thinking, I just see 'no picks' and try to make heads or tails out of it.
You were smart for keeping the Pack for your fiver despite the QB change (and other key players - Woodson, Matthews, etc.).

Who'da thunk Flynn would break a record with 6 TDs and 480 yards as a back-up? :doh:


Thanks for doing all this. :buddies:
I think Baby Kat beat me out by one pick on the raw score (it came down to the Giants-Cowboys game last night). Congrats. Now I go sulk for 2 minutes. :frown:

I didn't look carefully, but I'm pretty sure thurley42 had the best total score. Congrats to you as well.

Good luck to everyone that made the playoffs. :buddies: