Football Pool - Week 3


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Week 3 Picks

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Supper's Ready
I'll be watching this game today in D.C. from some restaurant/bar. Then off to Verizon Center tonight :larry: , so I won't be following any games today.

Enjoy, guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
My only saving grace. If it weren't for that I would have gotten a whoppin 2. :lol:

Feel your pain bro! The late games are all of sudden looking real ugly :ohwell:

How many 3 point differential pushes can you have, and how were the Raiders 3 point favorites? :banghead:
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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, those Eagles "throw-back" Uni's...

The folks @ Pat's have to be throwing Cheese-Wiz @ the walls...


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...pick the Lions?






Yeah I was stupid and picked the Lameazz Lions. Last week for me. Looks like they are back to being used to losing.

At least I did have a brief glimmer of intelligence and picked the Crybows tonight. I see that Grossman is back to his Superbowl performance form.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:

I picked the Lions.

No one gets my jokes. No one. :banghead:

I got it! I got it! That's why I just giggled and shook my head. Cause I drank the Kool-Aid too :doh:

Am I reading correctly? I've got 12 pts? :faint: