Football Pool - Week 3


Set Trippin
Larry Gude said:

I picked the Lions.

No one gets my jokes. No one. :banghead:
I got it, but I am guessing you would get more laughs on a board that is based in England... :cheeriooldchap: :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It that...

MMDad said:
You should precede all of your jokes with a title "Joke" so we know when to give a courtesy chuckle.

...really necessary? I mean, no one needs a note to see that most of your posts are a joke.



Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
I mean, no one needs a note to see that most of your posts are a joke.
Nobody needs a note because mine are actually funny. Especially the ones where I'm trying not to be funny.


BS Gal said:
Gumbo is really good at this.

I still can't believe that I'm the only one that picked Dallas +3 :lmao:
DaBears had one field goal for 3 and one punt return for a TD for a total of 10 points in 2 games and they were favored to beat Dallas..:crazy:

I think the odds makers were banking on their crooked ass Refs.
The first half was filled with some of the most bogus calls I have ever witnessed in a football game.