Football Pool - Week 4


No Longer the Kid
Jets 9 Colts
Ravens 2.5 Chargers
Bills -1 Vikings
Titans 9.5 Cowboys
Chiefs -7 49ers
Panthers -7.5 Saints
Falcons -7 Cardinals
Texans 3.5 Dolphins
Rams -5 Lions
Bengals -6 Patriots
Redskins 3 Jaguars
Raiders 2.5 Browns my 5 pointer
Bears -3.5 Seahawks
Eagles -11 Packers 38 points


New Member
Colts *** 5 points***
Eagles (47)

My Cabinets are finally installed. I'll be back at this next week with some effort. Like last week, I throw 14 darts in one shot. After this week though, the walls will be finished and I can no longer write on nor put darts holes on my walls. :yay:
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Nothing to see here
MMDad said:



Was hoping I could shame ya into doing your picks so I could finish with it for this weekend. :lmao:


Lem Putt
otter said:
Was hoping I could shame ya into doing your picks so I could finish with it for this weekend. :lmao:
:yay: I kept trying to research it, but ran out of time. My 4 YO picked them this week. Now I either have a great excuse, or the smartest 4 YO around. :lmao:


MMDad said:
:yay: I kept trying to research it, but ran out of time. My 4 YO picked them this week. Now I either have a great excuse, or the smartest 4 YO around. :lmao:
I have studied and restudied mine all week. I finally said screw it, this is what I am going with no matter how uneasy I feel about it.


Pete said:
I have studied and restudied mine all week. I finally said screw it, this is what I am going with no matter how uneasy I feel about it.

I only go down the list once.
Some picks based on stats,
some based on wants
and I always throw in a couple of big risks.....


FireBrand said:
I only go down the line once.
Some picks based on stats,
some based on wants
and I always throw in a couple of big risks.....
I look at a few stats this year after getting waxed last year. I feel pretty good with my picks given the spreads. I am worried about my 5 pointer, I try to get a sure thing but I rarely see a sure thing. :lol: I just don't see the Ravens as strong as everyone else. Offense 3rd (SD) against 23rd (Bal) Defense 1st (SD) against 3rd (BAL). Yea they are on the road but giving only 2.5? Baltimore should have lost against the Browns, and Beating Tampa and Oakland are no big feat but SD has only played Oakland and Tenn. nothing to brag about there either. I guess I will just stick with my first thought and just suck it up. :lol:


Nothing to see here
<img src="">

To date -
Daddy-O 37
Firebrand 35
PT 33
Gumbo 32
SBK 32
BuddyLee 32
Larry 32
Otter 31
Pete 31
Donbar 29
MMDad 28
Airgasm 27
HelmetHair 27
MainMan 21

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
You guys take this WAY too seriously. Focus on team colors and how good looking the quarterbacks are. And pick the Chargers. That's how I do it. Please remember that I got in on the second week so only had five points for the first week. I'm just saying......

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
otter said:
<img src="">

To date -
Daddy-O 37
Firebrand 35
PT 33
Gumbo 32
SBK 32
BuddyLee 32
Larry 32
Otter 31
Pete 31
Donbar 29
MMDad 28
Airgasm 27
HelmetHair 27
MainMan 21

OMG, you boys crack me up!!! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You pay no attention...

BS Gal said:
You guys take this WAY too seriously. Focus on team colors and how good looking the quarterbacks are. And pick the Chargers. That's how I do it. Please remember that I got in on the second week so only had five points for the first week. I'm just saying......

...the them critics. My best week last year was when I just called out the matchups and, with no discussion of points or who's home or injuries, Vrail told me who to pick.

It's science at it's purest. At least the hypothesis part anyway.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...the them critics. My best week last year was when I just called out the matchups and, with no discussion of points or who's home or injuries, Vrail told me who to pick.

It's science at it's purest. At least the hypothesis part anyway.

:yeahthat: too true, been doing a pool like this for 14 yrs. I've flipped coins, studied stats, stewed for days on games, picked em all on 1st insinct within 5 minutes, studied trends; tried all kinds of ways..all in all, picking winners is a 50/50 propostition when dealing with the points. Might as well flip a coin.