Football Pool - Week 5


Supper's Ready
I think I might have one game correct...ugggghhhhh

Looks like Chasey is the Face Off victor and gets the new car...

You have 2 points so far. (Jets and Chargers) with the Packers and Lions (as your fiver) still up for grabs.

The Face Off is for the 5 point pick in the same division- Chasey Lane picked the Bears for 5, and you picked the Lions for 5. So we won't know until tomorrow night about the car. :lol:


Supper's Ready
Weekly standings...

Final scorecard after week 5... again make sure what you think your score is matches what I think your score is. Thanks.

2011 Week 5 Scorecard Lions.jpg

How 'bout them Lions?

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Supper's Ready
One mistake on mine. You have me at 7 points in both scenarios. If the Lions cover, that would give me 8.

:yeahthat: And in going back to scan my tally sheet, I did the same for Bay Kat (gave both of you a '0' for the Lions' win). And it's why I ask everyone to double check me each week, these 0s and 1s all look the same after a while.

I also made an error tallying your raw score last week, I found. I included that correction in both of the cards for this week.

Thanks for catching that. :high5:



This. ------------------>
:yeahthat: And in going back to scan my tally sheet, I did the same for Bay Kat (gave both of you a '0' for the Lions' win). And it's why I ask everyone to double check me each week, these 0s and 1s all look the same after a while.

I also made an error tallying your raw score last week, I found. I included that correction in both of the cards for this week.

Thanks for catching that. :high5:


No problem. Thanks for taking the time and effort to organize this. :cheers:


Well-Known Member
You're 2nd in our league if the Bears win, and first by a 5-pt margin after week five if the Lions beat the line. :yay:

Come on Lions, that 5 point lead would really be nice. :yahoo:

Thank you Lions for stopping Da Bears at the goal line as time ran out.

5 point lead is nice. :yahoo:
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You have 2 points so far. (Jets and Chargers) with the Packers and Lions (as your fiver) still up for grabs.

The Face Off is for the 5 point pick in the same division- Chasey Lane picked the Bears for 5, and you picked the Lions for 5. So we won't know until tomorrow night about the car. :lol:

I was able to salvage a decent week by hitting the 5er...

RAEL - can you set up the delivery of the car to Pittsburgh? LOL


Supper's Ready
I was able to salvage a decent week by hitting the 5er...

RAEL - can you set up the delivery of the car to Pittsburgh? LOL

:lol: And that fiver can be a good cushion to keep you in the running on a crappy week. You maintained 2nd place with that one. :yay:

Tightest division is the south with a 9-pt differential between first and last place. Conversely, the division with the widest margin is the east with a 23-pt span.

One five point game can make all of the difference from week to week.



:lol: And that fiver can be a good cushion to keep you in the running on a crappy week. You maintained 2nd place with that one. :yay:

Tightest division is the south with a 9-pt differential between first and last place. Conversely, the division with the widest margin is the east with a 23-pt span.

One five point game can make all of the difference from week to week.


I seem to be on a see-saw. 8 one week, then 12-13 the next and back to 8 the following week. If history holds, I should be in for a 12-13 week this week.


nothing unreal exists
I seem to be on a see-saw. 8 one week, then 12-13 the next and back to 8 the following week. If history holds, I should be in for a 12-13 week this week.

Exactly what I seem to be doing as well. At least it shows some consistency I suppose. Would have been awesome is SOMDRAVEN would have gotten a 13 this week and continued their counting game they had going on.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


Exactly what I seem to be doing as well. At least it shows some consistency I suppose. Would have been awesome is SOMDRAVEN would have gotten a 13 this week and continued their counting game they had going on.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Maybe SOMDRAVEN will be starting the streak anew...and 12 is the max...9 then a 10 then 11 then 12 then 6...this week should be a 7...
