Football Pool - Week 5

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't want you to feel my...

Pete said:
It's ok :poorbaby: I feel your pain.

...pain. I want YOU to feel pain. The pain of suffering my :larry: and my :killingme and :lmao: as I stand at the summit of NFL prognositcating.

This is NOT how I planned this...



Larry Gude said:
...pain. I want YOU to feel pain. The pain of suffering my :larry: and my :killingme and :lmao: as I stand at the summit of NFL prognositcating.

This is NOT how I planned this...

You being in first place in week 16 would NOT be my 5 point pick.


Nothing to see here
Daddy_O said:
alot of us had bad weeks, the point spread killed me this week....then those damn skins.....that okay, there my pick for next week too....

It was a strange week, I'm just happy I hit my 5 pter or I would have thrown a big 3 up there. I think its safe if everyone waits til MainMan turns his picks in and then picks the opposite(if you're looking for a new strategy).


Set Trippin
otter said:
It was a strange week, I'm just happy I hit my 5 pter or I would have thrown a big 3 up there. I think its safe if everyone waits til MainMan turns his picks in and then picks the opposite(if you're looking for a new strategy).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you realize how close...

otter said:
:whistle: Previous low was 3(week 4, last year, me)

...I was to a perfect game?

Seriously, all I had to do was reverse myself on every pick. No one else can make that claim and no one can claim to be right. Everyone else is, to some degree or other, unsure, inconsistent.

I was just THIS shy of perfect. That ain't easy.


MMDad 11
Airgasm 11
BS Gal 11
PT 10
Otter 8
Donbar 8
MainMan 7
Gumbo 7
Daddy-O 6
BuddyLee 5
Firebrand 4
Pete 3
Larry 1

To date -

Daddy-O 54
Otter 52
Gumbo 51
Firebrand 51
MMDad 50
PT 50
Donbar 48
SBK 47
BuddyLee 45
Larry 44
Airgasm 43
Pete 42
BS Gal 42
MainMan 38

What a difference.