Football question


They call me ... Sarcasmo
There are people (skins staff) that say the best qb is Campbell. My feeling is that when the chance comes around Ramsey will be gone. I really did want him to succeed but he never any stability to fall back on in the coaching dept.

Lavar will be gone as soon as feasible. Right now he would be a $12 Million (?) hit against the cap. I would like to see Lavar used as a pass rush specialist or a roving LB (LEO @ LSU) but I think Greg Williams' defense is too precise for that type of latitude. These two parties need to come to an agreement.

As far as the announcers go, I always turn down my TV and listen to Sonny, Sam, and Larry (I miss Frank Herzog) because I need to hear an unbiased, objective opinion from my sportscasters. :lol:


"Typical White Person"
As far as the announcers go, I always turn down my TV and listen to Sonny, Sam, and Larry (I miss Frank Herzog) because I need to hear an unbiased, objective opinion from my sportscasters.

I just tune in to hear Sonny and Sam get drunk and argue over every other call!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's the deal Oz and AK... guys are right and I'm wrong. You're hero is playing, end of discussion, right? The guy I think could be is not playing, the guy with the better upside. You think he got a fair shot, fine. I don't.

Maybe Ramsey is done in this league. He certainly won't get anything done this year. We'll see who wants him at the end of the season. Maybe your vindication continues as he flops elswhere. Maybe not. We do know only one team wanted Brunnell to start last year and it wasn't the people who had him and there will only be one team who wants him to start next year.

So here we are; GO MARK.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Maybe Ramsey is done in this league. He certainly won't get anything done this year. We'll see who wants him at the end of the season. Maybe your vindication continues as he flops elswhere. Maybe not.

I still think Patrick is gonna be something special..maybe not here but somewhere..wouldn't surprise me to see his career parallel Jim Plunkets.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just you and me...

otter said:
I still think Patrick is gonna be something special..maybe not here but somewhere..wouldn't surprise me to see his career parallel Jim Plunkets. man, just you and me.


"Typical White Person"
Larry Gude said: guys are right and I'm wrong. You're hero is playing, end of discussion, right? The guy I think could be is not playing, the guy with the better upside. You think he got a fair shot, fine. I don't.

Maybe Ramsey is done in this league. He certainly won't get anything done this year. We'll see who wants him at the end of the season. Maybe your vindication continues as he flops elswhere. Maybe not. We do know only one team wanted Brunnell to start last year and it wasn't the people who had him and there will only be one team who wants him to start next year.

So here we are; GO MARK.

Hey I am not stuck up Brunnel's ass either but he is the lesser of two evils and I think he gives us a better chance to win today, without thinking about the future. I've given up on Ramsey having a future with us, as far as him going somewhere else and becoming a good NFL QB well that will probably happend just because that kind of stuff always happends to the players that leave here. But he has shown nothing so far that would lead anyone to believe that he can be a successful NFL QB.


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said: guys are right and I'm wrong.

You should have stopped right there...

Brunell isn't the long-term answer. But all the other NFL teams started their best QB on opening day, EXCEPT the Washington Redskins. Brunell gives them the best opportunity to win now. And that's what we all want to see!

How many posessions did Ramsey play during his 2 turnover performance?

I wouldn't consider Ramsey anywhere near Jim Plunkett. Unfortunately, most of the opponents who made Ramsey look great in college are now selling used cars in various parts of the country. Sure, he can take a hit, but that's because he CAN'T MOVE OUT OF THEIR WAY!!! That doesn't make him even a good QB. It just puts him in a higher rate bracket for health and life insurance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I didn't say you were AK...

Hey I am not stuck up Brunnel's ass either but he is the lesser of two evils

You prefer him over Ramsey. I say 'where's the beef?'. Where is even a small difference? We've all been pouring over numbers. Wins, rating, turnovers, TD's, fumbles.

There is no case to be made that Mark is better as a Redskin than Pat other than opinion. Brunnel has no upside. Pat does.

Oz thinks he's Heath Shuler. Maybe he's right. I just don't see anything Mark brings to the field that Ramsey POSSIBLY becoming a solid #1 doesn't trump.

In the mean time, we learn nothing more about Ramsey. I say year four is the one but if he's Shuler, I'm worng.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Brunell isn't the long-term answer. But all the other NFL teams started their best QB on opening day, EXCEPT the Washington Redskins. Brunell gives them the best opportunity to win now. And that's what we all want to see!

We don't remember the Bears game the same. We don't see Brunnels performance the same. We don't see Ramseys potential the same.

Example: The Cardinals put forth their 'best' chance to win on opening day, Kurt Warner, who is a has been but nowhere as long gone as Brunnel.

So, Warner is hurt and, viola, Josh McCown, *cough, cough* in his fourth season is getting a CHANCE to show his stuff.

Warner, by your definition is still the 'best' chance to win; experience. I define Brunnel and Warner as best chance to 'lose by less'. That's what Gibbs wants, minimal mistakes. I understand that and if Mark was giving us less mistakes and 60% completions I'd have no argument. We're just not getting anything from Brunnel.

We should have never beaten Dallas and we sure as hell didn't beat them by
what Brunnel is suppossedly good at. We lucked out again against Seattle. Same thing. Add in Denver. We're living on borrowed time.

But, McCown, like Ramsey, is where the upside is.


And then there was Ben Roethlisberger on MNF, who was in the middle of throwing a pass when he gets the ball knocked away from him, an obvious forward pass, and that gets ruled a fumble. Even worse, Cowher had the red flag out and ready to throw, but the guys upstairs tell him don't bother as the refs they had won't change the call. That's BS!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm sorry sir...

Bruzilla said:
And then there was Ben Roethlisberger on MNF, who was in the middle of throwing a pass when he gets the ball knocked away from him, an obvious forward pass, and that gets ruled a fumble. Even worse, Cowher had the red flag out and ready to throw, but the guys upstairs tell him don't bother as the refs they had won't change the call. That's BS!

...the Steelers Boo hoo thread is right this way...

This is the Redskins Boo hoo thread. Ben should have tried to 'tuck' it. That's not a fumble dontcha know.