For anyone who still thinks the AP is unbiased:


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
NO! That's the problem with this country - too many people just want to "let it go". Well, damn it, I WILL NOT let it go! I WILL NOT let some Birkenstock-wearing hippie malign my President unchallenged. I shall take this to the highest authority if need be!

And you know what that means.....:really:
This reminds me of when you were mad at Larry and your daughter and Larry came on the boards reinacting you as the drill sargent from Full Metal Jacket.:roflmao:


Enjoying life!
BuddyLee said:
This reminds me of when you were mad at Larry and your daughter and Larry came on the boards reinacting you as the drill sargent from Full Metal Jacket.:roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
This reminds me of when you were mad at Larry and your daughter and Larry came on the boards reinacting you as the drill sargent from Full Metal Jacket.
He just thinks he's funny. Don't encourage him.


staring into the abyss
Reducing his appearances outside the White House and making other gestures toward fuel conservation could help cut down on costs.

But some suggest that could do more harm for national morale and Bush's image than good for the financial bottom line.

Although I'm giving her a lot of benefit of the doubt here, I think she was trying to write a piece on how Bush might make some sort of token gesture recognizing gas price issues, especially given how much gas the (any) President uses. It didn't work, either because of the writer's bias against Bush, sloppy authorship or both.


Lovin' being Texican
tirdun said:
Although I'm giving her a lot of benefit of the doubt here, I think she was trying to write a piece on how Bush might make some sort of token gesture recognizing gas price issues, especially given how much gas the (any) President uses. It didn't work, either because of the writer's bias against Bush, sloppy authorship or both.

How about the token gesture that when he goes to Crawford for his vacation he stays there unless there are pressing reasons to go somewhere else. Clinton didn't stay anywhere long (the wimmens were needing him)


In your head
vraiblonde said:
NO! That's the problem with this country - too many people just want to "let it go". Well, damn it, I WILL NOT let it go! I WILL NOT let some Birkenstock-wearing hippie malign my President unchallenged. I shall take this to the highest authority if need be!

And you know what that means.....:really:
Vast left wing conspiracy :blahblah: :duh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think it's interesting to watch people get crazy about the price of gas. Does an extra $10 to fill your tank really curtail your driving? Prices go up all the time. I remember when bread was 25 cents a loaf and it cost 50 Cents to get into the movies. Of course, the average salary was only $8,000 a year, too.

Tirdun, your avatar looks like my Uncle Jack. :lol:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Does an extra $10 to fill your tank really curtail your driving?
Spoken from someone working from home!! :lol:

It costs me an extra $25.00 per tank x 5 days/week (yes I would have to fill up everyday if I had to drive to Rockville) = $125.00/week x 4 weeks = $500.00 per month extra from this time last year. :yikes:

Now does it hit home?? :otter:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Spoken from someone working from home!! :lol:

It costs me an extra $25.00 per tank x 5 days/week (yes I would have to fill up everyday if I had to drive to Rockville) = $125.00/week x 4 weeks = $500.00 per month extra from this time last year. :yikes:

Now does it hit home?? :otter:
:yeahthat: I didn't feel like doing math (because I can't), but it's kicking my ass. :ohwell: I fell to the ground and wept at Wawa the other day, and Kwillia wasn't even there!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I AM your board mommy...

You will NOT like me but I WILL make you strong.

You are ALL worthless but one day, unlikely as I think it is, some of you may be able to join my precious Microsoft Corp. Until then it is my job to see that none of you pass on any virus such as the ones responsible for your pathetic existence.

Your parents have any children that know what a URL is, snowball?

What's was that? What the #### was THAT?

We have a ####ing comedien amongst us.

Where're you from dirtbag?

TEXAS? Well, no ####?

Only two things come from Texas, Presidents and their families.

You got that private scumbag?

YOUR president will use ALL the ####ing oil and you WILL like it.

Do you READ me?

Sing, dirt bag! "This is my keyboard, this is my mouse!"

"This is for typing, this is for sticking up your godamn stove pipe if you do NOT get with the ####ing program, you reptilian mud blot!"

Are you reading me private Hilton???

You had best start re-booting and un#### yourself or I WILL see you code by hand until you ####ING DIE. Do you read me? Are you hearing me Private IPOD???

Let me hear your blue screen of death voice! Ahhhhhh!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!

"This is my keyboard, this is my mouse...We're all gonna piss in Paris's house..."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Spoken from someone working from home!!
I don't work at home :razz:

Anyway, isn't something like 40% of the cost of a gallon of gas taxes? So why wouldn't the feds relieve some of those taxes and reduce the price of gas?

In checking that 40% figure, I got sidetracked by this article saying the fed should RAISE the gas tax. The article sounds like nonsense to me but maybe someone smarter than me can make sense of it.


staring into the abyss
vraiblonde said:
I think it's interesting to watch people get crazy about the price of gas. Does an extra $10 to fill your tank really curtail your driving?
Not for my family. It's a bit of a pain at each fill up (50 bucks for the SUV, 40 for the car) but its not like we're driving cross country every week. We have put off visiting family in other states, but the cost to fill up was just a minor footnote in that decision.
Tirdun, your avatar looks like my Uncle Jack. :lol:
:cheers: Its really me, I drew it using a real photo as a background.


Mikeinsmd said:
Spoken from someone working from home!! :lol:

It costs me an extra $25.00 per tank x 5 days/week (yes I would have to fill up everyday if I had to drive to Rockville) = $125.00/week x 4 weeks = $500.00 per month extra from this time last year. :yikes:

Now does it hit home?? :otter:
I think you grossly overestimated your increased cost.

1 year ago

$1.36 X 22gal = $30


$2.50 X 22gal = $55

80 miles from here to Rockville

160/15mpg = 10.66gal

22gal tank / 10.66gal per day = 2.06 trips per tank

5 days per week / 2.06 trips per tank = 2.24 fill ups per week

1 year ago

$30 fill up X 2.24 fill ups per week = $67.2 per week cost X 4 weeks =$268.80


$55 fill up X 2.24 fill ups per week = 123.20 per week cost X 4 weeks =$ 492.80

Cost now $492.80 – Cost 1 year ago $268.80 = $224.00 more cost now per month than 1 year ago.

Not great but less than half of the increase you stated.
Last edited:


New Member
Pete said:
I think you grossly overestimated your increased cost.
1 year ago
$1.36 X 22gal = $30
$2.50 X 22gal = $55
80 miles from here to Rockville
80/15mpg = 10.66gal
22gal tank / 10.66gal per day = 2.06 trips per tank
5 days per week / 2.06 trips per tank = 2.24 fill ups per week
1 year ago
$30 fill up X 2.24 fill ups per week = $67.2 per week cost X 4 weeks =$268.80
$55 fill up X 2.24 fill ups per week = 123.20 per week cost X 4 weeks =$ 492.80
Cost now $492.80 – Cost 1 year ago $268.80 = $224.00 more cost now per month than 1 year ago.
Not great but less than half of the increase you stated.
Kizzy is's 80 miles one way.
My truck gets 11-12 mpg (I wish I got your 15mpg). Including my weekend forays, I fill up once per week. (I drive up Monday am & home Friday pm) Each fill up averages 25 gallons. I wasn't sure what gas was a year ago (I figured $1.60) now it's $2.60. That's a $1.00 increase. If I did that everyday, that's $25.00 per day.... my math works. And it sux!!


I bowl overhand
tomchamp said:
Like you said and it's true Bill Clinton was the most traveled Pres. Remember when he decided to get get his $200 hair cut on the tarmac at LAX? While the Pres is on board Airforce One no planes are aloud to take off or land. Not to mention it was rush hour. How much fuel did these planes burn circling the airport waiting for him to get his $200 haircut!
that was HILLARY getting HER haircut.. haad some topline hairdresser travel to the airport to do it, so not only did they have to wait for the wash cut and dry, but also the travel time for the gay bastid to get there.. think that was the same trip one of the "stewards" found the joints in the ashtrays..


vraiblonde said:
I don't work at home :razz:

Anyway, isn't something like 40% of the cost of a gallon of gas taxes? So why wouldn't the feds relieve some of those taxes and reduce the price of gas?

In checking that 40% figure, I got sidetracked by this article saying the fed should RAISE the gas tax. The article sounds like nonsense to me but maybe someone smarter than me can make sense of it.

Sorry Vrai, but this guy is another static environmental and market moron. He's one of these guys who actually believes that Americans can have their desires shaped by taxation, which if that actually worked no one would be smoking anymore.

He also believes that all these new tax dollars will generate all kinds of new technology that we can all pull out of our arses and utilize practically overnight. Even if hydrogne cell cars were perfected today it would still take about five years to get them out in force, provided lawsuits from the usual casts of idiots didn't slow down production. Then there's the matter of paying for them, which never seems to get addressed. Most people can't afford to ditch that car they just payed off to spend another $25,000 on a hydrogen car.

If these pecker heads would just get out of the way, and allow us to pump and refine our brains out while at the same time we leave the automakers to the task of refining alternate fuels vehicles, it's most likely that as we do start running out of oil we'll be well into the transition to alternate fuel cars, I would say in 30-40 years. No amount of increased gas taxes in 2005 is going to make that reality occur sooner.


Pete said:
I think you grossly overestimated your increased cost.

1 year ago

$1.36 X 22gal = $30


$2.50 X 22gal = $55

80 miles from here to Rockville

80/15mpg = 10.66gal

22gal tank / 10.66gal per day = 2.06 trips per tank

5 days per week / 2.06 trips per tank = 2.24 fill ups per week

1 year ago

$30 fill up X 2.24 fill ups per week = $67.2 per week cost X 4 weeks =$268.80


$55 fill up X 2.24 fill ups per week = 123.20 per week cost X 4 weeks =$ 492.80

Cost now $492.80 – Cost 1 year ago $268.80 = $224.00 more cost now per month than 1 year ago.

Not great but less than half of the increase you stated.

Pete, I don't know for sure about MD a year ago, but when I left in April 2004 gas was at $1.67 or so a gallon, and on the way up. I don't see how you could use a baseline cost of $1.36???