I AM your board mommy...
You will NOT like me but I WILL make you strong.
You are ALL worthless but one day, unlikely as I think it is, some of you may be able to join my precious Microsoft Corp. Until then it is my job to see that none of you pass on any virus such as the ones responsible for your pathetic existence.
Your parents have any children that know what a URL is, snowball?
What's was that? What the #### was THAT?
We have a ####ing comedien amongst us.
Where're you from dirtbag?
TEXAS? Well, no ####?
Only two things come from Texas, Presidents and their families.
You got that private scumbag?
YOUR president will use ALL the ####ing oil and you WILL like it.
Do you READ me?
Sing, dirt bag! "This is my keyboard, this is my mouse!"
"This is for typing, this is for sticking up your godamn stove pipe if you do NOT get with the ####ing program, you reptilian mud blot!"
Are you reading me private Hilton???
You had best start re-booting and un#### yourself or I WILL see you code by hand until you ####ING DIE. Do you read me? Are you hearing me Private IPOD???
Let me hear your blue screen of death voice! Ahhhhhh!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!
"This is my keyboard, this is my mouse...We're all gonna piss in Paris's house..."