There are plenty of churches that will accept you. A large number of people in "church" believe that as long as they go to church regularly, participate in the charitable projects, and behave in a matter that is moral and ethical... then they will belong. No one questions those who are in church . You could obtain your feeling of belonging .
I've been to churches who have plenty of people on the roster who are not followers of Christ. They just participate ... so they belong.
Like someone else said.... Churches are full of humans. Stick with the crowd and you could belong even though you don't share the relationship with the "higher power".
Also... you could find a feeling of belonging if you went to an AA of an NA meeting.
Or.... you could very well find fellowship and a sense of belonging at "Cheers" and everyone would know your name.... lol
I might not be making any sense. I'm in the hospital posting this after pushing a button to get another shot of Dilaudid for pain...