For Those of You That Aren't Religious....


Obama destroyed America
That's because these are the forums and I am a rule follower.

Page 3, chapter 2, line A, "All proper posts must serve, at least in part, to take the tread at least somewhat off tangent if not completely off topic."
Touche~ :buddies:


Obama destroyed America
Is that so? I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that He came to earth to teach us how to live with one another in love. I believe He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and taught us how to care for our fellow humans. He showed us what it is to be the light of the world. I believe He was arrested and was tried by humans who really thought they knew more than He. I believe He was beaten then hung on a cross, and after He gave His life for me.... He was placed in a borrowed tomb. A stone was rolled over the only entrance or exit from that tomb. The stone was then sealed to the tomb and Roman Soldiers were placed at the tomb to guard it. I believe that after 3 days.... He rose from the dead.... and He left the tomb alive.... The Roman Soldiers had no idea what happened. The seal to that tomb was broken by the living Christ. I believe that He walked among the humans again. I believe He ate fish with the Apostles on the beach. I believe Thomas touched the holes left in His palms by the nails of the cross. I believe He ascended into Heaven. I believe that now He sits on the Lord God Almighty speaking on my behalf. I believe that there is a home being prepared for me in Heaven. When it is ready... I believe my soul will ascend to Heaven as well. I believe I will see Jesus. I believe there will be no more sorrow or tears. I believe this cancer and all the worries and pain of this life will be gone. I believe I will join others who have gone before me and I will welcome others who will come after me. I believe that I will be invited to the greatest banquet ever held.... It will be a grand celebration that none before it and none that follow it will compare! I believe that Jesus Christ is my Salvation.

I believe that all Jesus asked me to do was believe in Him and allow Him to take over my life. I believe that He asked me to share the word that He Lives!

I'm never going to tell you what brick and mortar church to attend. I'm never going to tell you how to live your life. I'm going to tell you about Jesus, and Heaven, and God, and the work of the Holy Spirit. I'm telling you what Jesus told me to share with you. It's up to you to decide what you need....

So I'm willing to share this Good News with you..... I believe it's up to you what you do with it....


There you go preaching again. OP didn't ask what you believe, he asked about us non-religious/spiritual types. This thread isn't even about you yet you barge in spouting YOUR sermons. Guess what, we already know where you stand and we don't care! You're your own worst enemies. :duh:
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Obama destroyed America
HC gave her testimony. I give it a go for myself...

I believe being a good human being has everything to do with the human, and nothing to do with a "supernatural" for which there is no proof of existence.

I believe humans to be spiritual beings that are all connected to each other and to the universe by the same energy and matter that makes up that universe.

I believe in objective reality and do not believe non-objective truth claims (i.e. religion)

I believe human beings have a finite life, and are no different than other sentient life, here on this planet, and any life present in the universe.

I believe that science is the only way to understand our world and our universe; not superstition and stories written in books bound in circular logic.

I believe that human beings control their own destiny and that destiny can only be properly served by compassion, reason, and logic; not dogma.

I believe humans have the ability to give there life meaning by two basic principles: One... by learning some objective truth every day about the universe we live in, and Two... by easing the suffering of others.
Well said. :buddies:


New Member
There you go preaching again. OP didn't ask what you believe, he asked about us non-religious/spiritual types. This thread isn't even about you yet you barge in spouting YOUR sermons. Guess what, we already know where you stand and we don't care! You're your own worst enemies. :duh:

Guess I got confused.... After all this is a religion forum.... so you are running a non-religion thread where those of us who are faithful are not allowed to speak..... That's just strange....

Pardon the interruption.... lol~



mama to two
Guess I got confused.... After all this is a religion forum.... so you are running a non-religion thread where those of us who are faithful are not allowed to speak..... That's just strange....

Pardon the interruption.... lol~


Very good point about it being a religious forum. It is supposed to be about thoughts which leads to reflection. It is not about telling others what to do as far as what they believe, nor insinuating that members here are trying to change others. Consider the source. You have always been very neutral in what you post here, hc, and are just saying how you feel. God bless you.


Obama destroyed America
Guess I got confused.... After all this is a religion forum.... so you are running a non-religion thread where those of us who are faithful are not allowed to speak..... That's just strange....

Pardon the interruption.... lol~

Your reading comprehension seems to be a lil lacking. I'm not running anything. I answered the OP's question.

Who banned you from speaking? Actually, you're sort of following unwritten forum protocol by trying to take the thread in a different direction.


Obama destroyed America
Very good point about it being a religious forum. It is supposed to be about thoughts which leads to reflection. It is not about telling others what to do as far as what they believe, nor insinuating that members here are trying to change others. Consider the source. You have always been very neutral in what you post here, hc, and are just saying how you feel. God bless you.
(AGAIN) We already knew you have no comprehension. :duh:

I know you don't take good advice when dispensed but go back and read the OP.


mama to two
(AGAIN) We already knew you have no comprehension. :duh:

I know you don't take good advice when dispensed but go back and read the OP.

I don't need advice, especially from you. You think everyone should believe as you do, and if they don't you bash them. I am actually shocked that you posted in this particular forum to do that. And, you are a rather cantankerous self absorbed person. I know what the OP subject was. Do you? I post my opinion, as we should all be able to do without ridiculous repercussion. Have you reflected about yourself, lately?


New Member
There you go preaching again. OP didn't ask what you believe, he asked about us non-religious/spiritual types. This thread isn't even about you yet you barge in spouting YOUR sermons. Guess what, we already know where you stand and we don't care! You're your own worst enemies. :duh:

Your reading comprehension seems to be a lil lacking. I'm not running anything. I answered the OP's question.

Who banned you from speaking? Actually, you're sort of following unwritten forum protocol by trying to take the thread in a different direction.

I was apologizing for barging in and spouting my sermon.... :lmao:

It occurs to me that if my Lord were to meet you, the pigs in the field might be in trouble.... :lmao:

Geeze.... :boxing:

Hey, hey, hey! Can't we all just get along?

HC, no need for any sparring! Btw, I really hope you do "meet your Lord", and I realize that is totally illogical of me to say...Rad1 will undoubtedly roast me for it!


Well-Known Member
I grew up learning that God was to be feared, that I was pretty much damned, and that I would never live up to the standards. The utter hypocrisy I witnessed was also a huge issue. It took me a very long time to discover that God is not what I had been taught.

When I have tried attending churches I either see the hypocrisy or someone gets overly pushy and drives me away. I may change my mind one day, but I can't imagine ever being part of organized religion again. I don't need an authority figure to act as an intermediary between me and God since I already have a direct line if I just use it and listen to the answers.

I do get together with people who share a similar belief, and we have discussions that do not devolve into sermons.

You said a lot in your statement.

Absolutely right that God is to be feared, in the way of reverence and awe. Absolutely right that we all fall short of the standard of perfection, and if we don't clear that hurdle, we are damned for eternity. That was taken care at Calvary, for all those who will believe. Absolutely right one does not need any authoritative figure here on earth, or any dead person to intercede on your behalf. The only intermediary between anyone and God is God in the flesh, the Lord Jesus. He is the one and only to go through, and the one and only advocate for the believer to the Father.

About organized churches and gatherings, remember, once anybody finds and hooks up the "perfect church or group", that church will no longer be perfect.
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New Member
I'm still here.

BrandyPandy. where did you go? Thought you would be weighing-in with some of the postings here in the thread you started.

I'm still here, although I don't login very frequently. Thank you all for the wonderful feedback. It makes me feel less alone.

I sometimes wish that there were a "church" for like minded individuals that believe in being moral and ethical but just have different views on God/ Jesus/etc. that don't fit or aren't accepted elsewhere. Not to say that being moral or ethical is directly related to belief in (a) higher being(s).


PREMO Member
I stopped attending Catholic Mass because of a personal sin that as of yet I refuse to be sorry for (an interior trial if you will). Since I respect the sacrament of Reconciliation I refuse to mock the sacrament by confessing to a sin I'm not sorry for. Because I won't confess to a sin I'm not sorry for I cannot receive Eucharist; therefore, I don't attend Mass ....


yeah I have a similar issue
.... although I do occasionally go to a 1st Friday or Christmas Mass at my daughters school if I am off that day
Although I do not take the Eucharist either .... I have not set foot in a confessional in decades


New Member
I'm still here, although I don't login very frequently. Thank you all for the wonderful feedback. It makes me feel less alone.

I sometimes wish that there were a "church" for like minded individuals that believe in being moral and ethical but just have different views on God/ Jesus/etc. that don't fit or aren't accepted elsewhere. Not to say that being moral or ethical is directly related to belief in (a) higher being(s).

There are plenty of churches that will accept you. A large number of people in "church" believe that as long as they go to church regularly, participate in the charitable projects, and behave in a matter that is moral and ethical... then they will belong. No one questions those who are in church . You could obtain your feeling of belonging .

I've been to churches who have plenty of people on the roster who are not followers of Christ. They just participate ... so they belong.

Like someone else said.... Churches are full of humans. Stick with the crowd and you could belong even though you don't share the relationship with the "higher power".

Also... you could find a feeling of belonging if you went to an AA of an NA meeting.

Or.... you could very well find fellowship and a sense of belonging at "Cheers" and everyone would know your name.... lol

I might not be making any sense. I'm in the hospital posting this after pushing a button to get another shot of Dilaudid for pain... ;)
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mama to two
There are plenty of churches that will accept you. A large number of people in "church" believe that as long as they go to church regularly, participate in the charitable projects, and behave in a matter that is moral and ethical... then they will belong. No one questions those who are in church . You could obtain your feeling of belonging .

I've been to churches who have plenty of people on the roster who are not followers of Christ. They just participate ... so they belong.

Like someone else said.... Churches are full of humans. Stick with the crowd and you could belong even though you don't share the relationship with the "higher power".

Also... you could find a feeling of belonging if you went to an AA of an NA meeting.

Or.... you could very well find fellowship and a sense of belonging at "Cheers" and everyone would know your name.... lol

I might not be making any sense. I'm in the hospital posting this after pushing a button to get another shot of Dilaudid for pain... ;)

:lol:, hc. That was funny! Don't worry. You are making sense. You are a dear, and I am sure you have helped many people on this forum. You go, girl!


Lem Putt
You said a lot in your statement.

Absolutely right that God is to be feared, in the way of reverence and awe. Absolutely right that we all fall short of the standard of perfection, and if we don't clear that hurdle, we are damned for eternity. That was taken care at Calvary, for all those who will believe. Absolutely right one does not need any authoritative figure here on earth, or any dead person to intercede on your behalf. The only intermediary between anyone and God is God in the flesh, the Lord Jesus. He is the one and only to go through, and the one and only advocate for the believer to the Father.

About organized churches and gatherings, remember, once anybody finds and hooks up the "perfect church or group", that church will no longer be perfect.

Your fear based belief system is bizarre. I absolutely reject your premise that I should fear God. God loves all of us, even those who do wrong, and wants us to do His will. Yes, there are consequences to the choices we make, but this idea that I must submit or be punished is no different than someone who beats a dog every time it isn't perfect and never rewards it for doing right. You end up with fearful people who are afraid to listen to God's will because they are too fearful of the fire and brimstone damnation coming from the pulpit.

Go head and be afraid, but don't tell me that I should be too.


About organized churches and gatherings, remember, once anybody finds and hooks up the "perfect church or group", that church will no longer be perfect.

For me it was never about finding the perfect church... it was finding a church that wasn't filled with judgment, false practices, and hypocrisy. I was part of a renowned Christian group called 'The Navigators'. They were all I needed in those days. They had all the things I was looking for. Then one day we had a couples bible study. I was newly married at the time and my wife wasn't comfortable with a lot of things yet; especially praying out loud in front of people. When we went around the room offering a prayer, it was my wife's turn and she was silent. I looked up to see everyone staring her. She stayed silent. Then the next person eventually picked up where I left off. Afterwards the lead Navigator rep pulled me into his office and basically reprimanded me because my wife didn't pray. I looked him in the eye and said "I didn't know there was such a requirement" and left, and never went back.

I was heartbroken that things got to that point. That was really my last hope in trusting a Christian group to live up to what I thought were Christian values. That was a long time ago and I am still rather disgruntled about it. And it keeps me from ever trusting any church or group again.