Former Navy SEAL comes out as transgender


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I guess you can't call him a sissy boy. I guess the reunion photo may be a bit awkward.

After years spent fighting in some of the world's worst wars, former U.S. Navy SEAL Kristin Beck says she knows what she wants.
"I fought for 20 years for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I want some happiness."

Beck recently came out as transgender.

She wrote about the experience in a book, "Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender."

Beck deployed 13 times, serving in places such as Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. She earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart along the way.

Though she's felt trapped in the wrong body since grade school, Beck didn't come out until after she left the military in 2011.

"But I don't want you to beat me up and kill me. You don't have to like me, I don't care. But please don't kill me."

Looking back, Beck believes she might have wanted to become a SEAL because they are "the toughest of the tough."

"I gave true brotherhood. I did my best, 150% all the time, and I gave strength and honor and my full brotherhood to every military person I ever worked with."


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member


Lawful neutral
I wonder what Misfit has to say about this...:popcorn:

There were a lot of interesting psychological issues in some of the guys I served with, certainly not the majority but enough to be noted. Sexuality is always a subject of humor but I knew one guy that had a thing for young girls, I knew a guy who had a dominatrix, I mean seriously, it wasn’t a joke to him and another guy in our platoon died from Aids. He measured his manhood by sexual conquests.

I'm glad I was normal.



New Member
He was a hero. He was a warrior. He served his country with honor...except for that whole LYING EVERY DAY TO THE BROTHERHOOD
Lying, cheating, & stealing are the main tenets that are attributed to dis honor..
Now what if he was a sex addict & nailed every one of his "brothers" wives while back home?
Just because he was A number 1 on the field of battle, should that dismiss his behavior at home?
His brothers won't think less of him for coming's his years of lying to them that will be much harder to look past


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
How did he lie to anyone? Unless they specifically asked him if he was transgendered and he answered NO.


Lawful neutral
I watched documentary years ago about the French Foreign Legion (which I almost joined while in Toulon France) and one of the guys they fallowed through training was transgendered. He lived in Paris and apparently there’s a whole group of them that live there. He wanted to prove he was as tough as anyone else, and he was.
How did he lie to anyone? Unless they specifically asked him if he was transgendered and he answered NO.
I agree. He didn't serve as a transgender. He served as a male and fufilled his duties. He transcended gender after his service. How can his 20 years be considered harmful?


mama to two
My dial up internet is really slow.


He served his country honorably. She is living the life she felt was meant to be. We only get one try at this. It shows his/her strength. More power to her. Talk about bravery and strength. It don't get better than this story. Judgement is a truly awful thing.
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Well-Known Member
I wish him all the luck in the world. He is still a man no matter how much they mutilate his sex organs.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Now running for Congress

Maryland's 5th Congressional District

My name is Kristin Beck, a former Navy SEAL and an average American. I have demonstrated my ability to lead and follow, through 20 years of service to America in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia. Now it is time to lead again and I need your help.

You are about to hire a new Representative to the US Congress to work for you. The one you have now has done a great job, but it is time for a change after more than 30 years in public office. Someone new might actually have some fresh ideas. Some of us certainly think so.

Americans are desperate for leadership, and not just any leadership. There are plenty of people who have been in leadership positions, management positions and administrative positions and they may have done a good job, but they are not leaders, not in the sense of the word we use when talking about the 435 men and women who have to decide how your tax dollars are spent or how the country will grow as a nation. We need someone who will take America in the right direction and put the power of the government back in the hands of the people.

Americans are hurting. They want leaders who will actually take responsibility for their actions. Responsibility in government means having someone you can point to when something goes bad and say, "That was her fault"€.

I take "€œresponsibility" personal. I can share my responsibilities when it's appropriate, but I can never give them up. I will not act ignorant and say I just heard about an issue to avoid having to admit my mistakes. When something goes wrong on my watch, everyone will know without thinking twice. As Harry Truman said, €œThe buck stops here€ on my desk.

Your current Representative has tried to find ways to work across the aisle and in some cases succeeded. That'€™s great. But for the most part, the two major parties are miles apart on just about every issue. I have over 60 "€œsolutions"€ to our nations issues on my current list that have widespread support among the people we talk to. We think that same support will translate into bipartisan action in the House of Representatives.
